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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

PhishPharm - Detail

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Title:  Temperature and congener structure affect the enantioselectivity of toxaphene elimination by fish.
Authors:  Maruya KA, Smalling KL, Vetter W
Drug:  Toxaphene
Fish species:  Mummichog
Date:  2005
t1/2-hr:  312
Sample:  whole body
Ave Water temp (°C):  25
Water:  Saltwater
Dosage:  naturally contmainated
Route:  NONE
Comments:  Salinity 32 ppt. K2=-0.05/d.
Metabolites:  B7-1001
Citation:  Environmental Science and Technology 39:3999-4004
Link:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15984775&query_hl=11  Opens a new window
Genus Species:  Fundulus heteroclitus heteroclitus
Drug Class:  Organic-Hydrocarbon
t1/2-detail:  13 d
Wt gm-detail:  adults
Water temp (°C)-detail:  24.9+/-1.5°C
Dosage-detail:  naturally contaminated
Method:  GC/EC-MS
Authors-red:  Maruya KA, Smalling KL, Vetter W