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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Scientific Publications by FDA Staff

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Vaccine 2011 Apr 12;29(17):3155-61

Plaque purification as a method to mitigate the risk of adventitious-agent contamination in influenza vaccine virus seeds.

Murata H, Macauley J, Lewis AM Jr, Peden K


At present, the seed viruses for the manufacture of licensed seasonal inactivated influenza vaccines in the United States are derived from primary egg isolates as a result of concerns associated with adventitious agents. According to the prevailing view, the passage of influenza viruses through eggs serves as a filtering step to remove potential contaminating viruses. We have investigated the feasibility of addressing adventitious-agent risk by subjecting influenza virus to a plaque-purification procedure using MDCK cells. SV40 and canine adenovirus-1 (representing viruses for which MDCK cells are non-permissive and permissive, respectively) were used as challenge viruses to model agents of concern that might be co-isolated along with the influenza virus. By mixing influenza virus strain A/PR/8/34 with varying amounts of each challenge virus and then performing a plaque assay for influenza virus using MDCK cells, we have attempted to determine the efficiency by which the challenge virus is removed. Our data suggest that substantial removal can be achieved even after a single round of plaque purification. If cell-derived isolates were deemed to be acceptable following a plaque-purification procedure, the manufacture of seasonal influenza vaccine would be facilitated by: (1) the expansion of the repertoire of viruses from which seed virus candidates could be generated for licensed egg-derived vaccines as well as for vaccines manufactured in mammalian cells; and (2) the mitigation of adventitious-agent risk associated with the seed virus, and hence the elimination of the need to passage seed viruses in eggs for vaccines manufactured in mammalian cells.

Category: Journal Article
PubMed ID: #21354480 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.02.041
Includes FDA Authors from Scientific Area(s): Biologics
Entry Created: 2011-10-03 Entry Last Modified: 2016-07-20