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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Scientific Publications by FDA Staff

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J Clin Pharmacol 2016 Nov;56(11):1326-34

Exposure matching for extrapolation of efficacy in pediatric drug development.

Mulugeta Y, Barrett JS, Nelson R, Eshete AT, Mushtaq A, Yao L, Glasgow N, Mulberg AE, Gonzalez D, Green D, Florian J, Krudys K, Seo S, Kim I, Chilukuri D, Burckart GJ


During drug development, matching adult systemic exposures of drugs is a common approach for dose selection in pediatric patients when efficacy is partially or fully extrapolated. This is a systematic review of approaches used for matching adult systemic exposures as the basis for dose selection in pediatric trials submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1998 and 2012. The trial design of pediatric pharmacokinetic (PK) studies and the pediatric and adult systemic exposure data were obtained from FDA publicly available databases containing reviews of pediatric trials. Exposure matching approaches that were used as the basis for pediatric dose selection were reviewed. The PK data from the adult and pediatric populations were used to quantify exposure agreement between the two patient populations. The main measures were the pediatric PK studies trial design elements and drug systemic exposures (adult and pediatric). There were 31 products (86 trials) with full or partial extrapolation of efficacy with an available PK assessment. Pediatric exposures had a range of mean Cmax and AUC ratios (pediatric/adult) of 0.63-4.19 and 0.36-3.60 respectively. Seven of the 86 trials (8.1%) had a pre-defined acceptance boundary used to match adult exposures. The key PK parameter was consistently predefined for antiviral and anti-infective products. Approaches to match exposure in children and adults varied across products. A consistent approach for systemic exposure matching and evaluating pediatric PK studies is needed to guide future pediatric trials.

Category: Journal Article, Review
PubMed ID: #27040726 DOI: 10.1002/jcph.744
PubMed Central ID: #PMC5482171
Includes FDA Authors from Scientific Area(s): Drugs Women's Health
Entry Created: 2016-04-05 Entry Last Modified: 2017-08-19