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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Scientific Publications by FDA Staff

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Health Secur 2016 May-Jun;14(3):111-21

Surveillance for emerging diseases with multiplexed point-of-care diagnostics.

Deshpande A, McMahon B, Daughton AR, Abeyta EL, Hodge D, Anderson K, Pillai S


We present an analysis of the diagnostic technologies that were used to identify historical outbreaks of Ebola virus disease and consider systematic surveillance strategies that may greatly reduce the peak size of future epidemics. We observe that clinical signs and symptoms alone are often insufficient to recognize index cases of diseases of global concern against the considerable background infectious disease burden that is present throughout the developing world. We propose a simple sampling strategy to enrich in especially dangerous pathogens with a low background for molecular diagnostics by targeting blood-borne pathogens in the healthiest age groups. With existing multiplexed diagnostic technologies, such a system could be combined with existing public health screening and reference laboratory systems for malaria, dengue, and common bacteremia or be used to develop such an infrastructure in less-developed locations. Because the needs for valid samples and accurate recording of patient attributes are aligned with needs for global biosurveillance, local public health needs, and improving patient care, co-development of these capabilities appears to be quite natural, flexible, and extensible as capabilities, technologies, and needs evolve over time. Moreover, implementation of multiplexed diagnostic technologies to enhance fundamental clinical lab capacity will increase public health monitoring and biosurveillance as a natural extension.

Category: Journal Article
PubMed ID: #27314652 DOI: 10.1089/hs.2016.0005
Includes FDA Authors from Scientific Area(s): Women's Health
Entry Created: 2016-07-14