Tobacco Retailer Compliance Training Live Webcast

September 8, 2010 @ 1pm CDT

Chicago Downtown Renaissance,
1 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601

Please click here to watch the Replay of the Webcast

Time Topic
1:00 PM Introductory Remarks and Logistics, Introduction of Speakers
  FDA 101 Primer
  Question & Answer Session
  Discussion of Final Rule - Age and Access Issues
  Question & Answer Session
  Discuss of Final Rule - Promotion and Advertising Restrictions
  Question & Answer Session
  Discussion of Ban on Cigarettes Containing Certain Characterizing Flavors
  Question & Answer Session
  Discussion on tobacco products labeled or advertised with the descriptors "light," "low," "mild," or similar descriptors
  Question & Answer Session
  Tobacco Retailer Training Programs
  Question & Answer Session
  Draft Guidance for Industry - Civil Money Penalties and No-Tobacco-Sale Orders For Tobacco Retailers
  Question & Answer Session
  Closing Remarks

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