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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

PhishPharm - Detail

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Title:  Evaluation of a method of intracoelomic catheterization in koi.
Authors:  Lewbart G, Butkus D, Papich M, Coleman A, Krum H, Noga E
Drug:  Enrofloxacin
Fish species:  Carp, common (koi)
t1/2-hr:  74
Sample:  blood, plasma
Ave Weight (gm):  613
Ave Water temp (°C):  19
Water:  Freshwater
Dosage:  10 mg/kg sd
Route:  ICoC
Comments:  Cipro metabolite not found. Cmax = 5.76 g/mL (at 4 hours) Concentrations from graph: 2h = 5.2, 4h = 5.7, 8h = 5, 12h = 3.3, 24h = 3, 48h = 2.5, 72h = 2.2. Elimination rate = 0.0094 L/h, Tmax = 4 h, AUC = 404.61 h g/mL, Vd/F reported = 1312.1 mL/kg, Cl reported = 12.36, AUMC = 41,652 h^2g/mL, MRT = 102.9 h. ICoC= Intracoelomic Catheter.
Cl:  0.012
Vd:  1.312
Metabolites:  Ciprofloxacin
Citation:  J American Veterinary Medical Association 226:784-788
Link:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=15776954&ordinalpos=3&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum  Opens a new window
Genus Species:  Cyprinus carpio
Drug Class:  Antibiotic-Quinolone
t1/2-detail:  13.5969 h
Wt gm-detail:  212-1014 g
Water temp (°C)-detail:  18.5-19.5 C
Dosage-detail:  10 mg/kg sd
Method:  HPLC
Authors-red:  Lewbart G, Butkus D, Papich M, Coleman A, Krum H, Noga E