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Inactive Ingredient Search for Approved Drug Products

You are Searching: Change and Deletion by Inactive Ingredient Name Beginning with O

Quarter Inactive Ingredient Route of Administration Dosage Form Maximum Potency per unit dose Maximum Daily Exposure Status
340695 Q3 2024 OPADRY YS-1-13148A ORANGE ORAL TABLET 10.00 mg 10mg Deletion
340696 Q3 2024 OPADRY YS-1-7444G WHITE ORAL TABLET, COATED 22.00 mg Deletion
340796 Q2 2024 OPADRY AMB OY-B-28920 WHITE ORAL TABLET 2.50 mg MDE Replacement
340797 Q3 2024 OPADRY AMB OY-B-28920 WHITE ORAL TABLET 24mg MDE Replacement



FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Office of Pharmaceutical Quality
Office of Policy for Pharmaceutical Quality
Mailbox for IID corrections: IIDUpdate@fda.hhs.gov
Update Frequency: Quarterly

Data Through: July 3, 2024
Database Last Updated: July 31, 2024

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