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Drug Safety-related Labeling Changes (SrLC)

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LOZOL (NDA-018538)


Safety-related Labeling Changes Approved by FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

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03/02/2021 (SUPPL-30)

Approved Drug Label (PDF)

5 Warnings and Precautions



Newly added information:

Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma, Acute Myopia, and Choroidal Effusion:

Sulfonamide or sulfonamide-derivative drugs, like indapamide, can cause an idiosyncratic

reaction resulting in acute angle-closure glaucoma and elevated intraocular pressure with or without a noticeable acute myopic shift and/or choroidal effusions. Symptoms may include acute onset of decreased visual acuity or ocular pain and typically occur within hours to weeks of drug initiation. Untreated, the angle-closure glaucoma may result in permanent visual field loss. The primary treatment is to discontinue indapamide as rapidly as possible. Prompt medical or surgical treatments may need to be considered if the intraocular pressure remains uncontrolled. Risk factors for developing acute angle-closure glaucoma may include a history of sulfonamide or penicillin allergy.

6 Adverse Reactions

Newly added information:

Postmarketing Experience

Eye Disorders: Choroidal effusion, acute myopia, and angle-closure glaucoma (frequency not known).1

1 Module 2.5 SER-indapamide-choroidal effusion-acute myopia and angle-closure glaucoma- Jul2020