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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

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[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 4]
[CITE: 21CFR225]


Subpart C - Product Quality Control

Sec. 225.42 Components.

(a) A medicated feed, in addition to providing nutrients, is a vehicle for the administration of a drug, or drugs, to animals. To ensure proper safety and effectiveness, such medicated feeds must contain the labeled amounts of drugs. It is necessary that adequate procedures be established for the receipt, storage, and inventory control for all such drugs to aid in assuring their identity, strength, quality, and purity when incorporated into products.

(b) The receipt, storage, and inventory of drugs, including undiluted drug components, medicated premixes, and semiprocessed (i.e., intermediate premixes, inplant premixes and concentrates) intermediate mixes containing drugs, which are used in the manufacture and processing of medicated feeds shall conform to the following:

(1) Incoming shipments of drugs shall be visually examined for identity and damage. Drugs which have been subjected to conditions which may have adversely affected their identity, strength, quality, or purity shall not be accepted for use.

(2) Packaged drugs in the storage areas shall be stored in their original closed containers.

(3) Bulk drugs shall be identified and stored in a manner such that their identity, strength, quality, and purity will be maintained.

(4) Drugs in the mixing areas shall be properly identified, stored, handled, and controlled to maintain their integrity and identity. Sufficient space shall be provided for the location of each drug.

(5) A receipt record shall be prepared and maintained for each lot of drug received. The receipt record shall accurately indicate the identity and quantity of the drug, the name of the supplier, the supplier's lot number or an identifying number assigned by the feed manufacturer upon receipt which relates to the particular shipment, the date of receipt, the condition of the drug when received, and the return of any damaged drugs.

(6) A daily inventory record for each drug used shall be maintained and shall list by manufacturer's lot number or the feed manufacturer's shipment identification number at least the following information:

(i) The quantity of drug on hand at the beginning and end of the work day (the beginning amount being the same as the previous day's closing inventory if this amount has been established to be correct); the quantity shall be determined by weighing, counting, or measuring, as appropriate.

(ii) The amount of each drug used, sold, or otherwise disposed of.

(iii) The batches or production runs of medicated feed in which each drug was used.

(iv) When the drug is used in the preparation of a semiprocessed intermediate mix intended for use in the manufacture of medicated feed, any additional information which may be required for the purpose of paragraph (b)(7) of this section.

(v) Action taken to reconcile any discrepancies in the daily inventory record.

(7) Drug inventory shall be maintained of each lot or shipment of drug by means of a daily comparison of the actual amount of drug used with the theoretical drug usage in terms of the semiprocessed, intermediate and finished medicated feeds manufactured. Any significant discrepancy shall be investigated and corrective action taken. The medicated feed(s) remaining on the premises which are affected by this discrepancy shall be detained until the discrepancy is reconciled.

(8) All records required by this section shall be maintained on the premises for at least one year after complete use of a drug component of a specific lot number or feed manufacturer's shipment identification number.

Sec. 225.58 Laboratory controls.

(a) The periodic assay of medicated feeds for drug components provides a measure of performance of the manufacturing process in manufacturing a uniform product of intended potency.

(b) The following assay requirements shall apply to medicated feeds:

(1) For feeds requiring a medicated feed mill license (Form FDA 3448) for their manufacture and marketing, at least three representative samples of medicated feed containing each drug or drug combination used in the establishment shall be collected and assayed by approved official methods, at periodic intervals during the calendar year, unless otherwise specified in this chapter. At least one of these assays shall be performed on the first batch using the drug. If a medicated feed contains a combination of drugs, only one of the drugs need be subject to analysis each time, provided the one tested is different from the one(s) previously tested.

(2) [Reserved]

(c) The originals or copies of all results of assays, including those from State feed control officials and any other governmental agency, shall be maintained on the premises for a period of not less than 1 year after distribution of the medicated feed. The results of assays performed by State feed control officials may be considered toward fulfillment of the periodic assay requirements of this section.

(d) Where the results of assays indicate that the medicated feed is not in accord with label specifications or is not within permissible assay limits as specified in this chapter, investigation and corrective action shall be implemented and an original or copy of the record of such action maintained on the premises.

(e) Corrective action shall include provisions for discontinuing distribution where the medicated feed fails to meet the labeled drug potency. Distribution of subsequent production of the particular feed shall not begin until it has been determined that proper control procedures have been established.

[41 FR 52618, Nov. 30, 1976, as amended at 51 FR 7390, Mar. 3, 1986; 55 FR 11577, Mar. 29, 1990; 64 FR 63203, Nov. 19, 1999]

Sec. 225.65 Equipment cleanout procedures.

(a) Adequate cleanout procedures for all equipment used in the manufacture and distribution of medicated feeds are essential to maintain proper drug potency and avoid unsafe contamination of feeds with drugs. Such procedures may consist of cleaning by physical means, e.g., vacuuming, sweeping, washing, etc. Alternatively, flushing or sequencing or other equally effective techniques may be used whereby the equipment is cleaned either through use of a feed containing the same drug(s) or through use of drug free feedstuffs.

(b) All equipment, including that used for storage, processing, mixing, conveying, and distribution that comes in contact with the active drug component, feeds in process, or finished medicated feed shall be subject to all reasonable and effective procedures to prevent unsafe contamination of manufactured feed. The steps used to prevent unsafe contamination of feeds shall include one or more of the following, or other equally effective procedures:

(1) Such procedures shall, where appropriate, consist of physical means (vacuuming, sweeping, or washing), flushing, and/or sequential production of feeds.

(2) If flushing is utilized, the flush material shall be properly identified, stored, and used in a manner to prevent unsafe contamination of other feeds.

(3) If sequential production of medicated feeds is utilized, it shall be on a predetermined basis designed to prevent unsafe contamination of feeds with residual drugs.

Authority: 21 U.S.C. 351, 352, 360b, 371, 374.
Source: 41 FR 52618, Nov. 30, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
