Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 803.1 - What does this part cover?
§ 803.3 - How does FDA define the terms used in this part?
§ 803.9 - What information from the reports do we disclose to the public?
§ 803.10 - Generally, what are the reporting requirements that apply to me?
§ 803.11 - What form should I use to submit reports of individual adverse events and where do I obtain these forms?
§ 803.12 - How do I submit initial and supplemental or followup reports?
§ 803.13 - Do I need to submit reports in English?
§ 803.15 - How will I know if you require more information about my medical device report?
§ 803.16 - When I submit a report, does the information in my report constitute an admission that the device caused or contributed to the reportable event?
§ 803.17 - What are the requirements for developing, maintaining, and implementing written MDR procedures that apply to me?
§ 803.18 - What are the requirements for establishing and maintaining MDR files or records that apply to me?
§ 803.19 - Are there exemptions, variances, or alternative forms of adverse event reporting requirements?
Subpart B - Generally Applicable Requirements for Individual Adverse Event Reports
§ 803.20 - How do I complete and submit an individual adverse event report?
§ 803.21 - Where can I find the reporting codes for adverse events that I use with medical device reports?
§ 803.22 - What are the circumstances in which I am not required to file a report?
§ 803.23 - Where can I find information on how to prepare and submit an MDR in electronic format?
Subpart C - User Facility Reporting Requirements
§ 803.30 - If I am a user facility, what reporting requirements apply to me?
§ 803.32 - If I am a user facility, what information must I submit in my individual adverse event reports?
§ 803.33 - If I am a user facility, what must I include when I submit an annual report?
Subpart D - Importer Reporting Requirements
§ 803.40 - If I am an importer, what reporting requirements apply to me?
§ 803.42 - If I am an importer, what information must I submit in my individual adverse event reports?
Subpart E - Manufacturer Reporting Requirements
§ 803.50 - If I am a manufacturer, what reporting requirements apply to me?
§ 803.52 - If I am a manufacturer, what information must I submit in my individual adverse event reports?
§ 803.53 - If I am a manufacturer, in which circumstances must I submit a 5-day report?
§ 803.56 - If I am a manufacturer, in what circumstances must I submit a supplemental or followup report and what are the requirements for such reports?
§ 803.58 - Foreign manufacturers.