| B
| C
| Storage temperature
| Dating period
Whole Blood
ACD, CPD, CP2D | Between 1 and 6 deg.C | 21 days from date of collection.
CPDA-1 | do
1 | 35 days from date of collection.
Red Blood Cells
ACD, CPD, CP2D | Between 1 and 6 deg.C | 21 days from date of collection.
CPDA-1 | do | 35 days from date of collection.
Additive solutions | do | 42 days from date of collection.
Open system
(e.g., deglycerolized, washed) | do | 24 hours after entering bag.
Deglycerolized in closed system with additive solution added | do | 14 days after entering bag.
Irradiated | do | 28 days from date of irradiation or original dating, whichever is shorter.
Frozen | - 65 deg.C or colder | 10 years from date of collection.
Platelets | Between 20 and 24 deg.C | 5 days from date of collection.
Platelets | Other temperatures according to storage bag instructions | As specified in the instructions for use by the blood collection, processing and storage system approved or cleared for such use by FDA.
Fresh Frozen Plasma | - 18 deg.C or colder | 1 year from date of collection.
Plasma Frozen Within 24 Hours After Phlebotomy | do | 1 year from date of collection.
Plasma Frozen Within 24 Hours After Phlebotomy Held at Room Temperature Up To 24 Hours After Phlebotomy | do | 1 year from date of collection.
Plasma Cryoprecipitate Reduced | do | 1 year from date of collection.
Plasma | do | 5 years from date of collection.
Liquid Plasma | Between 1 and 6 deg.C | 5 days from end of Whole Blood dating period.
Source Plasma (frozen injectable) | - 20 deg.C or colder | 10 years from date of collection.
Source Plasma Liquid (injectable) | 10 deg.C or colder | According to approved biologics license application.
Source Plasma (noninjectable) | Temperature appropriate for final product | 10 years from date of collection.
Therapeutic Exchange Plasma | - 20 deg.C or colder | 10 years from date of collection.
Cryoprecipitated AHF
Cryoprecipitated AHF | - 18 deg.C or colder | 1 year from date of collection of source blood or from date of collection of oldest source blood in pre-storage pool.
Source Leukocytes
Source Leukocytes | Temperature appropriate for final product | In lieu of expiration date, the collection date must appear on the label.