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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

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[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 8]
[CITE: 21CFR870.1405]
See Related Information on Interventional cardiovascular implant simulation software device. in CDRH databases



Subpart B - Cardiovascular Diagnostic Devices

Sec. 870.1405 Interventional cardiovascular implant simulation software device.

(a) Identification. An interventional cardiovascular implant simulation software device is a prescription device that provides a computer simulation of an interventional cardiovascular implant device inside a patient's cardiovascular anatomy. It performs computational modeling to predict the interaction of the interventional cardiovascular implant device with the patient-specific anatomical environment.

(b) Classification. Class II (special controls). The special controls for this device are:

(1) Software verification, validation, and hazard analysis, with identification of appropriate mitigations, must be performed, including a full verification and validation of the software according to the predefined software specifications.

(2) Computational modeling verification and validation activities must be performed to establish the predictive capability of the device for its indications for use.

(3) Performance validation testing must be provided to demonstrate the accuracy and clinical relevance of the modeling methods for the intended implantation simulations, including the following:

(i) Computational modeling results must be compared to clinical data supporting the indications for use to demonstrate accuracy and clinical meaningfulness of the simulations;

(ii) Agreement between computational modeling results and clinical data must be assessed and demonstrated across the full intended operating range (e.g., full range of patient population, implant device sizes and patient anatomic morphologies). Any selection criteria or limitations of the samples must be described and justified;

(iii) Endpoints (e.g., performance goals) and sample sizes established must be justified as to how they were determined and why they are clinically meaningful; and

(iv) Validation must be performed and controls implemented to characterize and ensure consistency (i.e., repeatability and reproducibility) of modeling outputs:

(A) Testing must be performed using multiple qualified operators and using the procedure that will be implemented under anticipated conditions of use; and

(B) The factors (e.g., medical imaging dataset, operator) must be identified regarding which were held constant and which were varied during the evaluation, and a description must be provided for the computations and statistical analyses used to evaluate the data.

(4) Human factors evaluation must be performed to evaluate the ability of the user interface and labeling to allow for intended users to correctly use the device and interpret the provided information.

(5) Device labeling must be provided that describes the following:

(i) Warnings that identify anatomy and image acquisition factors that may impact simulation results and provide cautionary guidance for interpretation of the provided simulation results;

(ii) Device simulation inputs and outputs, and key assumptions made in the simulation and determination of simulated outputs; and

(iii) The computational modeling performance of the device for presented simulation outputs, and the supporting evidence for this performance.

[87 FR 79803, Dec. 28, 2022]
