Catalog Number UNKAA077 |
Device Problems
Defective Device (2588); Insufficient Information (3190)
Patient Problems
Incontinence (1928); Swelling (2091); Disability (2371)
Event Type
Manufacturer Narrative
Currently, it is unknown whether the device may have caused or contributed to the reported event.The patient's attorney did not allege a specific device failure or patient injury and medical records have not been provided.Without a lot number a review of the manufacturing records could not be conducted.With the currently available information, no conclusion can be drawn.If additional event and/or evaluation information is obtained, a follow up mdr will be submitted.The information provided by bard represents all of the known information at this time.Despite good faith efforts to obtain additional information, the complainant / reporter was unable or unwilling to provide any further patient, product, or procedural details to bard.
Event Description
The following was reported to davol by the patient's attorney: on (b)(6) 2013 - the patient underwent hernia repair surgery with implant of a ventralex hernia mesh patch.Following the implant the patient continued to have significant pain and discomfort in her abdominal area, and other complication which included but are not limited to swelling and dropping on the right side and frequent bowel effects including increased urges which have caused uncontrollable accidents, all of which required continued treatment.Patient will likely require significant treatment in the future, including additional surgery to remove the mesh patch and treat future complications.The attorney alleges the patient experienced abdominal pain, swelling, additional medical/surgical treatment, defective mesh and disability.
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