A hospital employee reported that a 3m ¿ bair hugger ¿ novaplus ¿ pediatric underbody (model 45534) and a 3m ¿ bair hugger ¿ warming unit (model 50500) was used during a procedure in the cath lab on a (b)(6) old, white male infant, weighing (b)(6).The employee reported the patient was undergoing pericardiocentesis with drain placement.The patient was not on bypass.Pre-op, the patient's temperature was monitored using a temporal thermometer.Chloraprep was applied to the patients' chest for skin antisepsis.A patient procedure drape was placed over the warming blanket.During the surgery, the patient was warmed for 74 minutes, on high setting, in a supine position, using the foot hose port.A safety strap was not used.During this time, the patient's temperature was monitored via nasal probe.The warming temperature was not adjusted during the surgery.The procedure drapes were removed at the end of the surgery.At this time, the employee alleged it appeared the patient was burned from the shoulder to the leg on the left side of body.The employee alleged the patient's skin was red.No blistering on the skin was noted.A photo of the burn was provided which reflected skin redness and red blotches on the left side of patient's body from the shoulder to the leg.Cold compresses were applied along the length of the reddened skin at the anesthesiologist's direction.The operating physician was also notified.The employee reported the cold compresses significantly reduced the redness, but did not eliminate it.The warming unit and blanket were immediately pulled from service.The employee reported they were not made aware of any further complications the patient had related to this incident.The patient was discharged from the hospital on (b)(6) 2018.