Based on discussion with fda on may 8, 2017, all inspectional failures are being reported as mdrs notwithstanding the fact that the presence of discontinuities, gaps or bubbles does not necessarily have either technical or clinical significance.(b)(4).
Pentax of america initiated field correction 2017-001-c which included inspection of the seal around the distal body and distal cap of the ed-3490tk duodenoscope pursuant to predefined inspection criteria (b)(4).The objective of the inspection was to verify there were no defects/discontinuities in the seal between the distal body and distal cap.The inspectional criteria was defined as, "all seal surfaces observed shall be continuous and smooth with no outward signs of discontinuity, gaps or bubbles." a device was considered to fail the inspection if any element of the criteria was not met.The customer owned device was previously returned to pentax medical from a customer on 16-dec-2019 and inspection of the unit was performed on 19-dec-2019 where the quality control inspector found the following: distal cap - fixed type failed seal integrity inspection, distal cap - fixed type distal tip upgrade, passed wet leak test, passed dry leak test.Inspection of the seal between the distal body and distal cap was performed and the device failed the inspection criteria.The endoscope's repairs will include the distal case/cap, which will be replaced and/or resealed pursuant to the field correction, along with miscellaneous parts, and returned to the user upon completion.Parts replaced: o-ring(0.5x1.3), distal case/cap, deflector body link, o-rings and seals.The video duodenoscope is currently awaiting repairs and qc final approval as of 08-jan-2020.