Device |
test, volatile organic compounds breath analysis |
Definition |
Aid in the diagnosis of grade 3 heart transplant rejection in patients who have received heart transplants within the preceding year. Intended to be used as an adjunct to, and not as a substitute for, endomyocardial biopsy. The use of the device is limited to patients who have had endomyocardial biopsy within the previous month. |
Physical State |
A breath collection apparatus for collection of volatile organic compounds in alveolar breath onto a sorbent trap, as well as for the collection of a separate sample of room air. o Analysis of the volatile organic compounds in alveolar breath and room air by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. o Interpretation of the volatile organic compounds with a proprietary algorithm in order to predict the probability of grade 3 heart transplant rejection. |
Technical Method |
Breathe collection device; analysis of the volatile organic compounds in alveolar breath and room air by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy |
Target Area |
Patients with heart transplants |
Review Panel |
Clinical Chemistry |
Product Code | PAR |
Premarket Review |
Division of Chemistry and Toxicology Devices
Division of Chemistry and Toxicology Devices
Submission Type |
HDE - Humanitarian Device Exemption
Device Class |
Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) |
TPLC Product Code Report
GMP Exempt? |
Summary Malfunction Reporting |
Ineligible |
Implanted Device? |
Life-Sustain/Support Device? |
Third Party Review |
Not Third Party Eligible |