Device |
non-continuous ventilator for emergency use |
Definition |
A noncontinuous ventilator (intermittent positive pressure breathing-IPPB) is a device intended to deliver intermittently an aerosol to a patient's lungs or to assist a patient's breathing for use during declared public health emergency. |
Physical State |
n/a |
Technical Method |
n/a |
Target Area |
n/a |
Review Panel |
Anesthesiology |
Product Code | QOQ |
Premarket Review |
Division of Anesthesia, Respiratory, and Sleep Devices
Division of Anesthesia, Respiratory, and Sleep Devices
Not Classified Reason
EUA - Emergency Use Authorization
Submission Type |
EUA - Emergency Use Authorization
Device Class |
Not Classified
Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) |
TPLC Product Code Report
GMP Exempt? |
Summary Malfunction Reporting |
Ineligible |
Implanted Device? |
Life-Sustain/Support Device? |
Third Party Review |
Not Third Party Eligible |