| Class 2 Device Recall Vantage Total Ankle System |  |
Date Initiated by Firm | August 30, 2021 |
Date Posted | October 04, 2021 |
Recall Status1 |
Open3, Classified |
Recall Number | Z-0024-2022 |
Recall Event ID |
88570 |
510(K)Number | K152217 |
Product Classification |
Prosthesis, ankle, semi-constrained, cemented, metal/polymer - Product Code HSN
Product | Vantage Total Ankle System including
a. Vantage Fixed-Bearing Polyethylene Liner Component (Product Line: 350-21-XX, 350-22-XX);
b. Vantage Mobile-Bearing Polyethylene Liner Component (Product Line: 350-41-XX, 350-42-XX).
NOTE: Information reflects Exactech recall expansion initiated on 02/07/2022. |
Code Information |
a. Item Number (Device Identifier; Serial number(s)): 350-21-01 (10885862276216; 4833710, 4833714, 4833715, 4833717, 4833723, 5188005, 5188007, 5188008, 5188009, 5188011, 5188013, 5188015, 5188017, 5188021, 5188022, 5188023, 5939820, 5939826, 5939831, 5939832, 5939833, 5939835, 5939836, 5939837, 5939838, 5939839, 5939840, 5939841, 5939842, 5939844, 5939845, 5939846, 6015553, 6015554, 6015556, 6015557, 6015560, 6015563, 6015566, 6015567, 6015569, 6396486, 6396489, 6396493, 6396495, 6396500, 6396504, 6396505, 6489379, 6489381, 6489382, 6489384, 6489386, 6606659, 6606667, 6606678, 6860126, 6860127, 6900582, 6900585, 6900588, Z060698, Z060703, Z060715, Z064072, Z064105, Z064107); 350-21-02 (10885862276223; 4536664, 4536665, 4536666, 4536668, 4536669, 4536670, 4536672, 4842955, 4842956, 4842957, 4842958, 4842959, 5184645, 5184647, 5184648, 5184649, 5184651, 5184652, 5184653, 5184654, 5184656, 5184657, 5184658, 5855814, 5855815, 5855816, 5855819, 5855820, 5855823, 5855824, 5855825, 5855826, 5855827, 5855828, 5855829, 5855830, 6240459, 6240461, 6240463, 6240464, 6240467, 6259881, 6259882, 6259884, 6259885, 6259888, 6356551, 6356552, 6356561, 6356562, 6356564, 6356566, 6356568, 6356569, 6356570, 6395847, 6395848, 6395852, 6395854, 6395855, 6395856, 6395858, 6395860, 6489055, 6489056, 6489059, 6489063, 6489065, 6489066, 6489069, 6489070, 6489071, 6489072, 6489073, 6583838, 6583839, 6583842, 6583843, 6583844, 6583845, 6583846, 6583849, 6583852, 6583853, 6583855, 6583857, 6730685, 6730688, 6730690, 6730696, 6730697, 6899729, 6899744, 6899751, Z068705, Z075029, Z075042); 350-21-03 (10885862276230; 4536738, 4536739, 4536740, 4536741, 4536742, 4536743, 4536745, 4536746, 4841023, 4841024, 4841025, 5184662, 5184663, 5184665, 5184666, 5184668, 5184669, 5184671, 5184672, 5184673, 5184674, 5184675, 5184678, 5184679, 5184680, 5221264, 5221265, 5221266, 5221267, 5221268, 5221269, 5221270, 5221272, 5221273, 5221274, 5221275, 5221276, 5940499, 5940500, 5940502, 5940507, 5940511, 5940516, 5940517, 5940518, 5940519, 5940520, 6039207, 6039208, 6039210, 6039212, 6039213, 6039214, 6039215, 6039218, 6039220, 6039221, 6039222, 6039223, 6039225, 6173447, 6173449, 6173450, 6173451, 6173452, 6173455, 6173456, 6173458, 6173459, 6173460, 6173462, 6173463, 6173464, 6173465, 6372717, 6372718, 6372719, 6372720, 6372721, 6372726, 6372727, 6372729, 6372730, 6372735, 6489128, 6489129, 6489131, 6489133, 6489134, 6489135, 6489136, 6489137, 6489145, 6489146, 6535721, 6535723, 6535724, 6535729, 6535730, 6535731, 6535732, 6535734, 6742242, 6742248, 6742249, 6742250, 6742251, 6742253, 6742255, 6742259, 6811600, 6811611, 6811612, 6900322, Z074962, Z074972, Z074984, Z075184); 350-21-04 (10885862276247; 4537204, 4537205, 4537206, 4537207, 4537212, 4750991, 5184539, 5184541, 5184543, 5184548, 5184550, 5184553, 5184554, 5184557, 5240718, 5240721, 5240727, 5240728, 5909332, 5909335, 5909337, 5909338, 5909344, 5909350, 5954808, 5954810, 5954815, 5954820, 6356463, 6356464, 6356466, 6356471, 6356472, 6356473, 6356477, 6489076, 6489081, 6489083, 6489093, 6758223, 6758226, 6758227, 6856945, 6856949, 6995782, Z068655); 350-21-11 (10885862276254; 4536710, 4536711, 4536714, 4536715, 4536716, 4536717, 4536718, 4704930, 4704938, 4704939, 4704940, 4704944, 4704945, 4704949, 4704951, 4704956, 4704957, 4787630, 4787631, 5184636, 5184639, 5184640, 5184643, 5231854, 5231855, 5231858, 5231860, 5969127, 5969128, 5969129, 5969132, 6356520, 6356523, 6489037, 6489045, 6489052); 350-21-12 (10885862276261; 4704789, 4771382, 4771383, 4771384, 4771387, 4771388, 5184684, 5184689, 5184690, 5184691, 5184697, 5184698, 5237420, 5237421, 5237422, 5237423, 5237424, 5237426, 5237430, 5237431, 5237432, 5939798, 5939801, 5939802, 5939803, 5939807, 5939810, 6356669, 6356670, 6356671, 6356672, 6356677, 6356680, 6356681, 6356683, 6356684, 6489360, 6489363, 6489365, 6489366, 6489369, 6489370, 6489372, 6598979, 6598980, 6598983, 6598985, 6843245, 6843247, 6843261, 6883796, Z058384, Z074986, Z074999); 350-21-13 (10885862276278; 4704790, 4771176, 4977232, 4977233, 4977235, 5181919, 5181921, 5181923, 5181926, 5181927, 5181931, 5181932, 5181934, 5222348, 5222349, 5222352, 5222355, 5222356, 5222357, 5222358, 5908535, 5908536, 5908537, 5908540, 5908541, 5908542, 5908544, 5908548, 5908549, 6061322, 6061327, 6323250, 6323261, 6395423, 6395424, 6395426, 6395428, 6488292, 6488297, 6488301, Z075109, Z075175); 350-21-14 (10885862276285; 4746009, 5184848, 5184851, 5184852, 5184853, 5184858, 5184860, 5184864, 5184865, 6143314, 6143323, 6143326, 6143329, 6143331, 6395394, 6395395, 6719894, Z076042); 350-21-21 (10885862276292; 4676330, 4676331, 4676332, 4676333, 4676334, 4676335, 4676336, 4676338, 4676345, 4676347, 4676351, 4676355, 5185107, 5185108, 5185110, 5185111, 5185113, 5185114, 5185117, 5185118, 5185119, 5245298, 5906409, 5906414, 5938419, 5938422, 5938424, 5938428, 6356532, 6356533, 6356537, 6356542, 6356549, 6486889, 6486890, 6486896, 6804245, 6900926); 350-21-22 (10885862276308; 4750965, 4771177, 5184866, 5184867, 5184870, 5184872, 5184873, 5184874, 5184878, 5184879, 5184880, 5184881, 5184883, 5876458, 5876461, 5876467, 6142807, 6142808, 6142811, 6142819, 6142825, 6411781, 6411784, 6428914, 6428917, 6428918, 6435219, 6435225, 6621519, 6621521, 6621524, 6621536, 6883664, 6883667, 6883671, 6959803, Z059779); 350-21-23 (10885862276315; 4771244, 4866126, 4866127, 4866129, 5172559, 5172560, 5172565, 5172566, 5172567, 5172569, 5172570, 5172572, 5172574, 5172577, 5172580, 5172581, 5172582, 5172583, 5172584, 5172588, 5172589, 5989847, 5989848, 5989849, 5989850, 5989853, 5989859, 5989861, 6408952, 6408954, 6408958, 6408959, 6408960, 6487891, 6487893, 6487895, 6487896, 6487897, 6487900, 6487902, 6487908, 6487909, 6644822, 6644825, 6644826, 6644831, 6644834, 6644835, 6644838, Z058458, Z058462, Z060686); 350-21-24 (10885862276322; 4536720, 4536721, 4536723, 4536724, 5185120, 5185127, 5185129, 5185132, 5185133, 5185134, 5185135, 5245294, 5245296, 5882353, 5882355, 5882358, 5882364, 5882365, 6142592, 6142601, 6142602, 6142605, 6142607, 6142608, 6396151, 6396156, 6851740, Z058435); 350-21-41 (10885862293213; 5181205, 5181206, 5181209, 5181210, 5181211, 5181212, 5181214, 5181215, 5181217, 5181218, 5181219, 5181222, 5954729, 5954730, 5954736, 5954745, 6409727, 6747749, 6747752, 6897935); 350-21-42 (10885862293220; 5184830, 5184831, 5184833, 5184837, 5184838, 5184839, 5184840, 5184844, 5184845, 5201342, 5201345, 5201349, 5909253, 5940479, 5940481, 5940482, 5940484, 5940487, 5940493, 5940495, 6143274, 6143276, 6143277, 6143282, 6143285, 6143286, 6143289, 6143292, 6396172, 6540417, 6540421, 6911569, Z059753); 350-21-43 (10885862293237; 5102165, 5102166, 5102171, 5102173, 5102174, 5102178, 5102179, 5102180, 5102183, 5230186, 5230190, 5230192, 5230196, 5230197, 5230199, 5230200, 5230203, 5912834, 5912837, 5912838, 5912840, 5912844, 5912846, 5912848, 6015723, 6015725, 6015728, 6395893, 6395900, 6571764, 6571775, 6860987, 6913035, Z077359); 350-21-44 (10885862293244; 5181165, 5181177, 5181178, 5967776, 5967781, 6325734, 6398023, 6424762, 6709425); 350-21-61 (10885862293374; 5185137, 5185147, 5909303); 350-21-62 (10885862293381; 6143359, 6143360, 6143368, 6143370, Z060582); 350-21-63 (10885862293398; 4733268, 5185157, 6487566); 350-21-64 (10885862293404; 5185168, 6143340, 6143348, 6488098); 350-22-01 (10885862276339; 4681920, 4681922, 4681923, 4681925, 4681927, 4681928, 4681930, 4681931, 4681932, 4681933, 4681934, 4681935, 4681937, 4681938, 4681940, 4681943, 4681945, 4681946, 4681948, 4681949, 5139951, 5139952, 5139953, 5139955, 5139956, 5139962, 5139963, 5139968, 5139970, 5139971, 5876391, 5876392, 5876393, 5876396, 5876398, 5876399, 5876403, 5876407, 5876412, 6127984, 6127985, 6127987, 6127993, 6127995, 6127997, 6128000, 6128003, 6395402, 6395406, 6395407, 6395410, 6395417, 6487092, 6487093, 6487094, 6487095, 6487097, 6487100, 6487102, 6487103, 6487106, 6487107, 6487108, 6487110, 6720137, 6720139, 6720142, 6720145, 6720146, 6720150, 6720152, 6720153, 6907877, 6907886, 6907887, 6907888, 6907892, 6907896, 6907899, 6907901, 6911587, 6911594, Z073322, Z073329); 350-22-02 (10885862276346, 4771234, 4771235, 4771236, 4771237, 4771238, 4771239, 4771240, 5181224, 5181225, 5181228, 5181229, 5181234, 5181235, 5181236, 5181237, 5181238, 5181239, 5181240, 5181241, 5181242, 5181244, 5245289, 5245290, 5245291, 5245292, 5245293, 5985462, 5985463, 5985464, 5985466, 5985468, 5985470, 5985471, 5985472, 5985473, 5985474, 5985475, 5985476, 5985477, 5985478, 5985480, 5985481, 6048026, 6048027, 6048028, 6048030, 6048031, 6067781, 6067782, 6067783, 6067785, 6067786, 6067787, 6067788, 6067790, 6067792, 6259896, 6259897, 6308445, 6308446, 6308447, 6308448, 6308451, 6308452, 6308454, 6308458, 6411977, 6411978, 6411979, 6411980, 6411981, 6411983, 6411984, 6411985, 6411989, 6434808, 6434811, 6434812, 6434813, 6434814, 6434816, 6434817, 6434818, 6434820, 6434821, 6434822, 6434823, 6434824, 6532890, 6532891, 6532895, 6532898, 6532899, 6532900, 6532902, 6532903, 6532904, 6532907, 6535639, 6535641, 6535643, 6535644, 6535645, 6535646, 6535649, 6535650, 6535651, 6535654, 6535657, 6758072, 6758073, 6758074, 6899905, 6899911, 6899914, 6899919, Z071104, Z071116, Z071136, Z076051); 350-22-03 (10885862276353; 4884296, 4884297, 4884298, 4884299, 5185183, 5185184, 5185187, 5185189, 5185190, 5185191, 5185192, 5185194, 5185195, 5185196, 5256071, 5256072, 5256073, 5256074, 5256075, 5256077, 5256078, 5256079, 5256080, 5938438, 5938439, 5938440, 5938441, 5938442, 5938447, 5938448, 5938451, 5938452, 5938453, 5938454, 5938456, 5938457, 5988014, 5988015, 5988016, 5988018, 5988019, 5988020, 5988022, 5988023, 5988025, 5988026, 5988027, 5988029, 5988030, 6252633, 6252634, 6252636, 6252638, 6252640, 6252641, 6285206, 6285207, 6285208, 6285210, 6285211, 6285212, 6285213, 6285215, 6340621, 6340630, 6340631, 6340632, 6340635, 6395438, 6395439, 6395440, 6395441, 6395444, 6395446, 6395451, 6395456, 6395457, 6482649, 6482650, 6482656, 6482662, 6482664, 6482665, 6509210, 6509214, 6509215, 6509216, 6509218, 6509219, 6509220, 6509223, 6509224, 6509227, 6683471, 6683474, 6683475, 6683477, 6683482, 6683485, 6683488, 6683492, 6718699, 6718707, 6718715, 6718716, 6852366, 6852367, 6852368, 6852375, 6852377, 6852379, 6853420, 6853427, 7010354, Z072696, Z073295); 350-22-04 (10885862276360; 5181310, 5181313, 5181314, 5181315, 5181317, 5181323, 5181327, 5262727, 5262729, 5262730, 5262731, 5262733, 5262735, 5262736, 5262737, 5907662, 5907666, 5907670, 5907671, 5907672, 5907673, 5907674, 5907676, 5967477, 5967482, 5967487, 5967488, 5967489, 5967491, 5967493, 5967494, 5967495, 6337400, 6337402, 6337406, 6337407, 6482499, 6502574, 6502576, 6502580, 6502586, 6502589, 6846082, 6846088, Z058442, Z058443, Z075357); 350-22-11 (10885862276377; 4703168, 4703171, 4703174, 4703177, 4703178, 4703179, 4703180, 4703183, 4703184, 4703187, 4703188, 4703190, 4703191, 4703192, 4703193, 4703194, 4703195, 4703196, 4703197, 4857844, 4857845, 4857846, 4857847, 5181328, 5181331, 5181336, 5181337, 5181338, 5181339, 5181341, 5181343, 5181345, 5954756, 5954758, 5954759, 5954761, 5954765, 6137105, 6137106, 6137115, 6137119, 6137121, 6372459, 6372468, 6372471, 6372474, 6372475, 6487131, 6487137, 6898086, Z075079); 350-22-12 (10885862276384; 4704788, 4771243, 5181347, 5181348, 5181349, 5181351, 5181352, 5181353, 5181354, 5181355, 5181356, 5181359, 5181360, 5181363, 5181364, 5193990, 5193991, 5193993, 5193995, 5193996, 5193997, 5193998, 5193999, 5194001, 5194002, 5194003, 5194004, 5882202, 5882208, 5882209, 5882210, 5882211, 5882212, 5882214, 5882215, 5882216, 5882218, 5882219, 5882282, 5882283, 5882284, 5882285, 5882286, 5882292, 5882295, 6356685, 6356691, 6356694, 6356695, 6356703, 6428946, 6489020, 6489021, 6489025, 6489026, 6489029, 6489031, 6502624, 6502629, 6502633, 6502634, 6683224, 6683231, 6898077, 6970223, 6970236, Z075900); 350-22-13 (10885862276391; 4771241, 4771242, 5120877, 5120882, 5120885, 5120886, 5120887, 5120889, 5204239, 5204240, 5204242, 5204244, 5204245, 5204247, 5204248, 5204250, 5204251, 5204252, 5939735, 5939741, 5939742, 5939744, 5939745, 5939746, 5939748, 5939749, 5939750, 5939751, 5939752, 5939753, 5939754, 6136641, 6136646, 6136649, 6136650, 6136651, 6428891, 6428893, 6489094, 6489097, 6489109, 6489124, 6489125, 6856921, 6856930, 6856931, Z058368, Z058370, Z074916); 350-22-14 (10885862276407; 5181368, 5181373, 5181374, 5181376, 5181380, 5181381, 5181383, 5906479, 5967548, 5967552, 5967553, 5967560, 5967564, 5967567, 6174579, 6174584, 6174589, 6569281, 6569289); 350-22-21 (10885862276414; 4703140, 4703141, 4703142, 4703143, 4703144, 4703147, 4703148, 4703149, 4703152, 4703154, 4703155, 4703156, 4703158, 4703160, 4703162, 4703163, 4703165, 4703167, 5185215, 5185216, 5185219, 5185221, 5185223, 5185225, 5185228, 5214261, 5214264, 5214265, 5939780, 5939788, 5939789, 6259901, 6395459, 6395470, 6591152, 6591161, 6591163); 350-22-22 (10885862276421; 4748658, 4771389, 5120893, 5120894, 5120895, 5120897, 5120898, 5120899, 5120900, 5120901, 5120902, 5120906, 5120907, 5120909, 5120912, 5120913, 5120914, 5120915, 5241242, 5241243, 5241244, 5241245, 5241246, 5241247, 5241248, 5241249, 5241250, 5241251, 5241252, 6015770, 6015777, 6015788, 6395920, 6487170, 6487175, 6487177, 6487179, 6487180, 6487181, 6742061, 6742065, 6742069, 6911514, Z075188, Z075281); 350-22-23 (10885862276438; 4771390, 4771392, 4771393, 4771394, 5181291, 5181294, 5181295, 5181296, 5181297, 5181299, 5181300, 5181301, 5181302, 5181303, 5181304, 5181305, 5181308, 5880510, 5880511, 5880514, 5880525, 5938089, 5938090, 5938091, 5938093, 5938096, 5938097, 5938099, 5938103, 5938105, 5938106, 5938107, 6395828, 6395831, 6395833, 6395837, 6395843, 6411724, 6411725, 6411726, 6411729, 6411730, 6411731, 6411735, 6411738, 6411741, 6506227, 6506228, 6506231, 6506234, 6506235, 6506239, 6506242, 6506243, 6734441, 6734442, 6734444, 6734447, 6734454, 6734455, 6870162, 6870183, 6870188, Z075253); 350-22-24 (10885862276445; 5181451, 5181453, 5181455, 5181458, 5181459, 5181464, 5232860, 5232861, 5232864, 5232867, 5232869, 5232870, 5232871, 5232874, 5232876, 5232877, 5907747, 5907751, 5939721, 5939727, 5939732, 6395493, 6395506, 6487126, 6487130, 6822884, 6822896, Z060416, Z069324); 350-22-41 (10885862293251; 5187946, 5187954, 5187956, 5907658, 5954768, 5954774, 5954779, 6396518, 6396521, 6489006); 350-22-42 (10885862293268; 5185783, 5185787, 5185788, 5185789, 5185790, 5185793, 5185794, 5185795, 5185799, 5185801, 5201264, 5201265, 5201266, 5201272, 5201273, 5201275, 5201276, 5201278, 5938401, 5938402, 5938404, 5938409, 5938411, 5938416, 6391264, 6483678, 6483684, 6483687, 6520721, 6520724, 6520725, 6520732, 6520733, 6520737, 6738668, 6738674, 6898015, 6898023, Z070796, Z070802); 350-22-43 (10885862293275; 5122629, 5122632, 5122635, 5122637, 5122638, 5122643, 5122645, 5122646, 5122648, 5260636, 5260638, 5260642, 5260643, 5260645, 5883315, 5883316, 5883324, 5940026, 5940027, 5940029, 5940033, 5940037, 5940038, 5940039, 5940041, 5940042, 6273558, 6273559, 6273562, 6273568, 6273570, 6412019, 6579440, 6579442, 6579443, 6579448, 6886404, Z060757); 350-22-44 (10885862293282; 5185203, 5185206, 5185209, 5967508, 5967510, 6417987, 6683339, 6737449); 350-22-62 (10885862293428; 5181465, 5181473, 5181484, 5948972, 5948990); 350-22-63 (10885862293435; 5181395, 5906439, 5906440, 6409703, 6409711, 6409712, Z077335); 350-22-64 (10885862293442; 5181406, 5181407, 5181414, 5181421, 5975072, 5975080);
b. Item Number (Device Identifier; Serial number(s)): 350-41-01 (10885862276452; 4851797, 4851798, 4851799, 4851800, 4964108, 4986270, 5194348, 5194350, 5194353, 5194356, 5194357, 5194358, 6409670, 6506001, 6506009, 6857644, 6857646, 6857652); 350-41-02 (10885862276469; 4850102, 4850103, 4850104, 4850105, 4963948, 4963951, 5194275, 5194276, 5194277, 5194279, 5194280, 5194281, 5194282, 5194283, 5194285, 5194286, 5194287, 5194288, 5194289, 5194290, 5194291, 5194292, 5865068, 5865072, 5865073, 5865076, 5865081, 5865086, 5865087, 5865089, 6330721, 6330728, 6330732, 6507180, 6507186, 6507198, 6592234, 6592235); 350-41-03 (10885862276476; 4851814, 4851816, 4963859, 4963860, 4963862, 5181425, 5181426, 5181428, 5181430, 5181432, 5181433, 5181434, 5181435, 5181436, 5181438, 5181440, 5181441, 5181443, 5181444, 6138428, 6409639, 6409640, 6409644, 6409647, 6409650, 6409651, 6409652, 6409658, 6535259, 6535265, 6535268, 6900013); 350-41-04 (10885862276483; 4851782, 4851783, 4851784, 4913716, 5193807, 5193811, 5193813, 5193819, 6143103, 6143110, 6506247, 6506251, 6506260, 6506262, 6506263); 350-41-05 (10885862302038; 5192099); 350-41-11 (10885862276490; 4851670, 4851671, 4851672, 4963858, 5194262, 5194265, 5194268, 5194274, 6506369, 6506380); 350-41-12 (10885862276506; 4850106, 4850107, 4850108, 4850109, 4913690, 4913691, 4913693, 5194293, 5194294, 5194297, 5194304, 5194307, 6505962, 6505963, 6505968, 6566991, 6566994, 6566999, 6567000); 350-41-13 (10885862276513; 4850078, 4850079, 4850080, 4850081, 4963842, 5194329, 5194331, 5194333, 5194334, 5194336, 5194338, 5194339, 5194342, 5194345, 6141325, 6141326, 6141329, 6439029, 6439031, 6439041, 6825226); 350-41-14 (10885862276520; 4851603, 4913723, 4913724, 4913725, 5193794, 5193795, 5193798, 5193806, 6143269, 6776618, 6776626); 350-41-15 (10885862302045; 5194254); 350-41-21 (10885862276537; 4850098, 4850099, 4850100, 4963849, 4963850, 4963852, 5205336, 5205342, 5205346, 5205347, 6506333, 6506347); 350-41-22 (10885862276544; 4851637, 4851638, 4851639, 4851640, 4930455, 4930456, 4930458, 4930460, 5250981, 5250983, 5250985, 5250986, 5250987, 5250988, 6143140, 6507141, 6922888, Z081039); 350-41-23 (10885862276551; 4850110, 4850111, 4850112, 4913660, 4913661, 4913662, 4913663, 5194236, 5194237, 5194239, 5194240, 5194246, 5194247, 5194248, 5194250, 5194251, 5194252, 6141292, 6141293, 6466622, 6504528, 6504529, 6775088, 6775098, 6775102); 350-41-24 (10885862276568; 4850094, 4850095, 4850096, 4850097, 4963769, 4963772, 5184563, 5184566, 5184568, 5184571, 5184576, 6141203, 6505950, 6505958); 350-41-25 (10885862302052; 5194176, 5194177); 350-41-41 (10885862293534; 4851727, 4963764, 4963765, 5194226, 5194231); 350-41-42 (10885862293541; 4850090, 4850091, 4850092, 4850093, 4963759); 350-41-43 (10885862293558; 4851761, 4851763, 4963777, 4963778, 4963780, 5194201, 5194203, 5194206, 5194212, 5194215, 5194216, 6143085, 6506501); 350-41-44 (10885862293565; 4851693, 4963661, 4963662, 5193851, 5193852, 6139778, 6139786); 350-41-45 (10885862302076; 5194180); 350-41-61 (10885862293695; 4851597, 4851598); 350-41-62 (10885862293701; 4851588, 4963649, 5194100); 350-41-63 (10885862293718; 4851593, 4851594); 350-41-64 (10885862293725; 4851599, 4851600, 5194096); 350-41-65 (10885862302090, 5194116, 5194118); 350-42-01 (10885862276575; 4851765, 4851766, 4851767, 4851768, 4962062, 4962065, 4962067, 5181941, 5181942, 5181945, 5181948, 5181949, 5181951, 5181955, 5181956, 5181957, 6504541, 6504544, 6504545, 6504547, 6504548, 6504550, 6813572, 6813577, 7009630); 350-42-02 (10885862276582; 4847130, 4847131, 4847132, 4962961, 4962964, 4962965, 5194138, 5194139, 5194140, 5194141, 5194143, 5194145, 5194147, 5194149, 5194150, 5194152, 5194153, 5194155, 5910497, 5910507, 6442342, 6442348, 6442351, 6506023, 6506024, 6506029, 7011500); 350-42-03 (10885862276599; 4847207, 4847208, 4847209, 4847210, 4863354, 4863355, 4863356, 4863357, 4863358, 4863359, 4863360, 5229805, 5229806, 5229807, 5229809, 5229812, 5229813, 5229815, 5229817, 5229819, 5229820, 5229821, 5229822, 6070811, 6070812, 6356277, 6356281, 6356282, 6356284, 6356286, 6356288, 6356289, 6356292, 6356293, 6356295, 6570281, 6570284, 6570291, 6570292, 6570297, 6862327, 6862328, 6862329, 6862332, 6862333); 350-42-04 (10885862276605; 4847172, 4847173, 4847174, 4914356, 4914359, 4959353, 4959356, 4959357, 5245932, 5245934, 5245935, 5245936, 5245938, 5245939, 5245942, 5245944, 6095443, 6095450, 6095453, 6095455, 6505375, 6505376, 6505383, 6505384, 6505385, 6505390, 6505392); 350-42-05 (10885862302106; 5192871); 350-42-11 (10885862276612; 4851829, 4851830, 4851831, 4851832, 4962030, 5192065, 5192067, 5192070, 5192071, 5192075, 5192077, 6143134, 6506128, 6506130, 6981225); 350-42-12 (10885862276629; 4847136, 4847137, 4914322, 4914323, 4914325, 4959360, 4959361, 4959363, 4959364, 5234643, 5234651, 5234652, 5234654, 6138480, 6138483, 6138489, 6505702, 6505703, 6505708, 6505709, 6505711, 6861040, 6861055); 350-42-13 (10885862276636; 4851580, 4851581, 4851582, 4959342, 4959346, 5181960, 5181961, 5181963, 5181964, 5181965, 5181966, 5181967, 5181970, 5181971, 5181972, 5181974, 5181975, 5181976, 5181977, 6143249, 6143253, 6456685, 6456692, 6456695, 6456703, 6591960, 6591961, 6591962, 6982233, 6982235, 6982236, Z081206, Z081219, Z081222); 350-42-14 (10885862276643; 4851584, 4851586, 4914362, 4914363, 4914364, 4914365, 4959348, 4959350, 5247865, 5247867, 5247870, 5247876, 6095825, 6095826, 6095835, 6458504, 6504558, 6504563, 6795422, 6795424); 350-42-15 (10885862302113; 5192877, 5192879); 350-42-21 (10885862276650; 4851469, 4851470, 4851471, 4851472, 4959335, 5192816, 5192820, 5192822, 6143099, 6143102, 6505394, 6505399, 6505404, 6505407, 6505409, 6505410); 350-42-22 (10885862276667; 4851477, 4851478, 4851479, 4851480, 4963995, 5192850, 5192851, 5192852, 5192853, 5192854, 5192855, 5192856, 5192857, 5192859, 5192862, 5192864, 5192865, 5192866, 6013085, 6013087, 6013088, 6504632, 6504637, 6504640, 6504641, 6900864); 350-42-23 (10885862276674; 4850086, 4850087, 4850088, 4850089, 4915608, 4915609, 4915610, 4959366, 4959367, 4959368, 4959369, 4959370, 5247851, 5247852, 5247853, 5247855, 5247857, 5247861, 6140620, 6140624, 6140626, 6505022, 6505024, 6505035, 6505037); 350-42-24 (10885862276681; 4851474, 4851476, 4964102, 4964105, 4964106, 5192835, 5192837, 5192841, 5192842, 6505078, 6505084, 6505086, 6505090, 6505093, 6505094, 6505095); 350-42-25 (10885862302120; 5192873); 350-42-41 (10885862293572; 4851484, 4964051, 4964054, 4964055, 6140502, 6505414, 6505426, 6505429); 350-42-42 (10885862293589; 4851486, 4851487, 4851488, 4964095, 4964096, 4964097, 5192764, 5192765, 5192771, 5192777, 6143120, 6566946, 6566948); 350-42-43 (10885862293596; 4851501, 4851502, 4851503, 4851504, 5192747); 350-42-44 (10885862293602; 4850481, 4850482, 4850484, 4964061, 5192734); 350-42-45 (10885862302144; 5192492); 350-42-61 (10885862293732; 4850491, 4964127, 4964130); 350-42-62 (10885862293749; 4850477, 4850479, 5193940); 350-42-63 (10885862293756; 4850485, 4850486, 4850488, 5194360, 6138511); 350-42-64 (10885862293763; 4964131, 4964133, 5194389, 5194394); 350-42-65 (10885862302168, 5192508); |
Recalling Firm/ Manufacturer |
Exactech, Inc. 2320 Nw 66th Ct Gainesville FL 32653-1630
For Additional Information Contact | Nicholas Bennett 800-392-2832 |
Manufacturer Reason for Recall | Inserts were packaged in vacuum bags that lacked an additional oxygen barrier layer. |
FDA Determined Cause 2 | Process control |
Action | Exactech notified distributors and sales representatives on about 08/30/2021 via letter titled "URGENT MEDICAL DEVICE RECALL." Actions included removing all Knee and Ankle UHMWPE products labeled with an 8-year shelf life and not packaged in EVOH/Nylon bags, in a phased approach over 12 months. Phase 1: immediately return all knee and ankle UHMWPE devices labeled with an 8-year shelf life that will be 5 years old or older by 08/31/2022 not packaged in EVOH/Nylon bags. Phase 2: between 05/31/2022 to 08/31/2022, returning all remaining knee and ankle UHMWPE devices labeled with an 8-year shelf life not packaged in EVOH/Nylon bags. A communication to healthcare professionals should follow.
Instructions to recipients included to immediately identify and quarantine any affected product in inventory, notify customers down the line if further distributed, and complete and return the Recall Inventory Response Form to Exactech via email at recalls@exac.com.
Exactech expanded their recall and sent an updated notification to US agents and distributors on 02/07/2022. On about 02/08/2022, a letter to surgeons and hospitals was sent. The notifications indicated that all non-conforming devices were included in the recall, to cease use of those devices, and work with sales agents to return any inventory. The letters to surgeons and hospitals also advised physicians regarding follow up with implanted patients. |
Quantity in Commerce | 2,217 devices |
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Total Product Life Cycle | TPLC Device Report |
1 A record in this database is created when a firm initiates a correction or removal action. The record is updated if the FDA identifies a violation and classifies the action as a recall, and it is updated for a final time when the recall is terminated. Learn more about medical device recalls. 2 Per FDA policy, recall cause determinations are subject to modification up to the point of termination of the recall. 3 The manufacturer has initiated the recall and not all products have been corrected or removed. This record will be updated as the status changes.
510(K) Database | 510(K)s with Product Code = HSN