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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Related Medical Device Recalls
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Z-0237-2015 - Surgical packs (includes trays, bags and kits) Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0238-2015 - Irrigation Tray With Bulb Syringe, Catalog number 900-020. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0239-2015 - Universal Drainage Tray, Catalog number 900-032. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0240-2015 - Wound Closure Tray I, Catalog number 900-063. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0241-2015 - Wound Closure Tray II, Catalog number 900-064. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0242-2015 - Tracheotomy Care Kit, Catalog number 900-110. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0243-2015 - Suction Catheter Kit, Catalog number 900-277. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0244-2015 - Uretheral Catheter Tray, Catalog number 900-278. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0245-2015 - Surgeon Reinforced Gown XL, Catalog number 900-521. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc
Z-0246-2015 - Surgeon Gown Poly Reinforced Lgc, Catalog number 900-522. Used by medical staff to perform patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 1 12/16/2014 Customed, Inc