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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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510(K) Number: K926481
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Valleylab Laparoscopic Flexible Laparoscopic Argon Electrodes Item Code: E253028 The Valleylab Lap... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Cylindrical Tip Electrode 28CM Item Code: E278628 The Valleylab Laparoscop... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Flexible Laparoscopic Argon Electrodes 6" Item Code: E25306 The Valleylab L... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Flexible Laparoscopic Argon Blade Electrodes 28CM Item Code: E258028 The Va... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Argon Modified Flat l Electrode 28CM Item Code: E258128 The Valleylab Lapar... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Argon Sharp Needle Electrode 28CM Item Code: E258228 The Valleylab Laparosc... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic AP Argon Blunt Needle Electrode 28cm Item Code: E258328 The Valleylab Lapar... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Straight Spatula Electrode 36C Item Code: E277036 The Valleylab Laparoscop... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Curved Spatula Electrode 36CM Item Code: E277136 The Valleylab Laparoscopic... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic
Valleylab Laparoscopic Curved Spatula Electrode 45CM Item Code: E277145 The Valleylab Laparoscopic... 2 08/17/2016 Medtronic