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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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510(K) Number: K954726
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StrykeFlow 2 System, labeled sterile. Includes the following: a. STRYKER LAPAROSCOPIC SUCTION IR... 2 03/02/2018 Stryker Corporation
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 10mm X 32cm Pool Suction Tip, Metal Finish. Suction irrigator t... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 5mm X 32cm Tip Hydrodissection Tip, Metal Finish. Suction irrig... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 5mm X 45cm Regular Tip, Vented, Metal Finish. Suction irrigator... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 5mm X 32cm Regular Tip , Non-Vented, Metal Finish. Suction irri... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 5mm X 24cm Regular Tip, Vented, Metal Finish. Suction irrigator... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 5mm X 32cm Aspiration Needle Tip. Suction irrigator tips aid in... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 2mm X 32cm Regular Tip with 1 Hole, Metal Finish. Suction irrig... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 2mm X 32cm Regular Tip with 2 Hole, Metal Finish. Suction irrig... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy
Stryker Irrigator Reusable Tips: 2mm X 34cm Regular Tip with No Hole, Metal Finish. Suction irri... 2 05/03/2013 Stryker Endoscopy