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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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21 to 30 of 37 Results
510(K) Number: K900585
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Exacta-Mix EVA Container, Sterile R, 4000 mL, Order No. REF: 142, Baxa Corporation. 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta-Mix EVA Container, Sterile R, 3000 mL, Order No. REF: 141, Baxa Corporation. 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta-Mix EVA Container, Sterile R, 2000 mL, Order No. REF: 140, Baxa Corporation. 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta-Mix EVA Container, Sterile R, 1000 mL, Order No. REF: 139, Baxa Corporation. 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta-Mix EVA Container, Sterile R, 500 mL, Order No. REF: 138, Baxa Corporation. 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta-Mix EVA Container, Sterile R, 250 mL, Order No. REF: 137, Baxa Corporation. 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Halobag EVA Dual-Chamber Bag, Sterile R, 3000 mL Total Volume W/500 mL upper chamber, Order No. REF:... 2 08/02/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta Mix TPN (total parenteral nutrition) Bag, Model 739, 1000mL, Baxa Corporation 2 03/09/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta Mix TPN (total parenteral nutrition) Bag, Model 740, 2000mL, Baxa Corporation 2 03/09/2010 Baxa Corporation
Exacta Mix TPN (total parenteral nutrition) Bag, Model 738, 500mL, Baxa Corporation. 2 03/09/2010 Baxa Corporation