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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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510(K) Number: K803311
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Wallach Cryotip T-00337 Anorectal Tip, Teflon Coated, used with the Cryosurgical LL100 or LL50X Re... 2 07/11/2007 Wallach Surgical Devices, Inc.
Wallach Cryotip T-00337 Anorectal Tip used with the Cryosurgical LL100 or LL50X Cryosurgical Systems... 2 07/11/2007 Wallach Surgical Devices, Inc.
WALLACH LL 100 cryosurgical units: LL100 Cryosurgical - Part Number 900001; LL110 with Pinned Yoke -... 2 04/16/2015 CooperSurgical, Inc.
Wallach LL50x Cryosurgical Freezer CO2 Unpinned Yoke System Model: 900010. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.
WA 1000 A/B Console Model: 900516x. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical Freezer Short Shaft CO2 System Model: 900034. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical Freezer Atom CO2 System Model: 900036. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical Freezer CO2 System Model: 900043. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical Freezer No Connector CO2 System Model: 900047. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.
Wallach LL100 Cryosurgical Freezer CO2 System Model: 900107. 2 10/29/2009 Cooper Surgical, Inc.