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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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510(K) Number: K820297
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Terumo Cardiovascular Custom Cardiovascular Procedure Kits containing an Overpressure Safety Valve, ... 2 12/27/2013 Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Custom Cardiovascular Procedure Kits; Over-Pressure Safety Valves. For use only in the extracorpo... 2 06/23/2015 Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corp
TERUMO(R) Overpressure Safety Valve, REF: (a) LH130 (b) LH130J 2 06/21/2018 Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Custom surgical kits containing TERUMO(R) Overpressure Safety Valve, REF: (a) LH130 and (b) LH130J ... 2 06/21/2018 Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation