Medical Device Recalls
1 to 4 of 4 Results
510(K) Number: K862140 |
Results per Page |
Product Description
Class |
FDA Recall
Posting Date |
Recalling Firm
MicroScan -Neg Breakpoint Combo Panel Type 34; Catalog number B1017-404; Panel MicroScan Neg Break... | 2 | 04/26/2015 | Beckman Coulter, Inc. |
MicroScan Dried Overnight Gram Negative Panels; Panel type: Neg Breakpoint Combo Type 34, catalog... | 2 | 05/08/2012 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc. |
MicroScan Dried Overnight Gram Negative Panels; Panel type: Neg Breakpoint Combo Type 47, catalog... | 2 | 05/08/2012 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc. |
MicroScan Dried Overnight Gram Negative Panels; Panel type: Neg Urine Combo 55; Catalog Number B1... | 2 | 05/08/2012 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc. |