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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Firm: Intuitive
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8MM, Tenaculum Forceps REF 470207 Instrument used with the da Vinci X/Xi Surgical Systems in a wi... 2 01/16/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM, Small Graptor REF 470318 Is a grasping retractor Instrument used with the da Vinci X/Xi Surg... 2 01/16/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM, ROUND TIP SCISSORS, IS4000 ® REF 470007 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,BLACK DIAMOND MICRO FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470033 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,DEBAKEY FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470036 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,CADIERE FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470049 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,PROGRASP FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470093 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,MICRO BIPOLAR FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470171 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,MARYLAND BIPOLAR FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470172 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
8MM,RESANO FORCEPS,IS4000 ® REF 470181 2 01/10/2025 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.