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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Recall Date to: 03/02/2014 Firm: DePuy
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Depuy Mitek Bioknotless Anchor with Panacryl Suture Ref No. 212729 3 03/15/2006 Depuy Mitek, a Johnson & Johnson Co.
Depuy Mitek Bioknotless Anchor with Ethibond Suture Ref No. 212728 3 03/15/2006 Depuy Mitek, a Johnson & Johnson Co.
Depuy Mitek Fastin RC Anchor with Panacryl (2) strands Size 2 Panacryl Poly ***braided absorbable s... 2 01/26/2006 Depuy Mitek, a Johnson & Johnson Co.
DePuy Mitek Straightshot Ligament Graft Passer/Protector, 11.5 mm Catalog Number : 232220 3 11/18/2005 Depuy Mitek, a Johnson & Johnson Co.
DePuy Mitek FMS Outflow Tubing with One-Way valve Product Code:284649 Product Usage: The Inter... 2 11/08/2013 DePuy Mitek, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Co.
DePuy Mitek FMS Intermediary Tubing with One-Way valve Product Code: 281142 Product Usage: The... 2 11/08/2013 DePuy Mitek, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Co.
DePuy Mitek Tissue Liberator -Blade Up Catalog Number: 214623 The Reusable Arthroscopy Instrume... 2 05/09/2013 DePuy Mitek, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Co.
ORTHOCORD BLUE BRAIDED COMPOSITE SUTURE 2 (5 METRIC), Catalog Number: 223111. For use in general ... 2 04/25/2013 DePuy Mitek, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Co.
ORTHOCORD One Violet and One Blue Braided Composite Suture with MO-7 Taper Needles, Catalog Number: ... 2 04/25/2013 DePuy Mitek, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Co.
ORTHOCORD ONE VIOLET AND ONE BLUE BRAIDED COMPOSITE SUTURE 2 (5 METRIC), Catalog Number: 223113. ... 2 04/25/2013 DePuy Mitek, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Co.

*   The maximium 500 devices meeting your search criteria returned. Please narrow your search.