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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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STAGE-1® RDS COC Abutment Plastic Sleeve, Non-Lock, Multi-Unit; Catalog Number: S2437-01-1K 3 03/24/2018 Keystone Dental Inc
BIOMET 3i LOCATOR ABUTMENT, Catalog/Item Number: LOA003, 3.0mm, BioMet 3i , Palm Beach, FL. 3 06/25/2015 Biomet 3i, Inc.
BIOMET 3i LOCATOR ABUTMENT, Catalog/Item Number: LOA002, 2.0mm, BioMet 3i, Palm Beach, FL. 3 06/25/2015 Biomet 3i, Inc.
Biomet Cobalt-Chrome Femoral Components, 32MM MOD HEAD COCR -6MM NECK; 32MM MOD HEAD COCR -3 MM NECK... 3 06/11/2015 Biomet, Inc.
Mallory/Head Primary Hip System; Size 11, 160 mm, Lateralized Femoral Stem; Ti-6Al-4V; Porous Plasma... 3 06/11/2015 Biomet, Inc.
Single Analyte DAU Calibrator (5 mL) Norbuprenorphine: Cutoff Calibrator; IVD - for in vitro diagn... 3 03/21/2014 Lin-Zhi International Inc
Single Analyte Urine DAU Control (5 m L Norbuprenorphine, Level II control For In Vitro Diagnostic... 3 11/25/2013 Lin-Zhi International Inc
Alere Triage® TOX Drug Screen Control 1 Product Generic Name: Quality Control Material Descrip... 3 10/23/2013 Alere San Diego, Inc.
LPCCC2: Low Profile Abutment Non-Hexed Castable Cylinder by Biomet 3i Castable cylinders are inte... 3 07/26/2011 Biomet 3i, LLC
"***3i Incise Custom-Made Label. QP157 Approved 07/09/10*** 3i inc se Custom-made Dental Framework**... 3 07/16/2011 Biomet 3i, LLC

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