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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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AxSYM Drugs of Abuse/Toxicology Assay Disk Version 8.0; List Number: 3D54-08; Abbott La boratories, ... 3 05/14/2008 Abbott Laboratories
XSYSTEMS AxSYM Multiconstituent Controls for Abused Drug Assays, list 9687-12; Abbott laboratories, ... 3 09/14/2005 Abbott Laboratories MPG
INFINITY Internal Hex Healing Abutment, 4.5mm Platform, 4.7mm CW-3mm CH Straight; Product Code: 2014... 2 04/17/2017 Ace Surgical Supply Co., Inc.
Product Brand Names: Triage® Drugs of Abuse Panel 8 Test Kit (K924476), Triage® Drugs of Abuse Pane... 2 03/01/2012 Alere San Diego
Triage Drugs of Abuse Panel Plus TCA 25 Test Kit, PN (Model Number) 92000 An immunoassay used for... 2 01/11/2012 Alere San Diego
Triage Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA 25 Test Kit, Model Numbers 92000, 92590, 92591; 25 individually pouch... 2 01/26/2018 Alere San Diego, Inc.
Product Brand Name(s): Alere Triage® TOX+MTD Drug Screen, Catalog Number 94400, Lots W56013B and W56... 2 03/17/2014 Alere San Diego, Inc.
Alere Triage® TOX Drug Screen Control 1 Product Generic Name: Quality Control Material Descrip... 3 10/23/2013 Alere San Diego, Inc.
Alere Triage Tox+MTD Drug Screen, PN 94400 Product Usage: The Alere Triage TOX Drug Screen is a ... 2 07/19/2012 Alere San Diego, Inc.
ProScreen" Drugs of Abuse Test (AMT Item/ AMT Description): PSD-6MB/ "ProScreen" Drugs of Abuse T... 2 09/30/2020 Ameditech Inc

*   The maximium 500 devices meeting your search criteria returned. Please narrow your search.