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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Product: pcr
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ETHICON brand surgical device with an added label with the labeling Manufactured by: MedSurg Solutio... 2 09/23/2003 International Surgical Supply, Inc.
SmartCycler Diagnostic Software for use with Cepheid brand SmartCycler Real Time PCR Thermocycler 2 08/17/2005 Cepheid
Roche MagNA Pure LC System. An automated, general purpose instrument for isolation and purification... 2 04/19/2006 Roche Diagnostics Corp.
Roche MagNA Pure LC Instrument Kit; Catalog no. 12236931001. An automated, general purpose instrume... 2 08/05/2006 Roche Diagnostics Corp.
Roche MagNA Pure LC System (RMD); Catalog no. 03670325001. An automated, general purpose instrument... 2 08/05/2006 Roche Diagnostics Corp.
Roche MagNA Pure LC Instrument; Catalog nos. 12236931444, 12236931692 ( Refurbished) and 12236931690... 2 08/05/2006 Roche Diagnostics Corp.
EasyVision RAD - Radiological Image Processor, software versions: SW R4 2V2L2, SW R4 2V2L3, SW R4 2V... 2 09/16/2008 Philips Medical Systems North America Co. Phillips
BD GeneOhm MRSA 200 ct, Catalog #441242. IDI-MRSA assay is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic test ... 2 10/31/2008 BD Diagnostics (GeneOhm Sciences, Inc)
BD GeneOhm MRSA 48 ct, Catalog #441244. IDI-MRSA assay is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic test fo... 2 10/31/2008 BD Diagnostics (GeneOhm Sciences, Inc)
Cepheid Xpert Flu A Panel (GXFLUPANEL-10), manufactured by Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA. Indicated as a... 3 05/25/2010 Cepheid