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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Z-1421-2018 - Manometer, 550 ml three-Way Stopcock; STERILE; 2 04/18/2018 Carefusion 2200 Inc
Z-1422-2018 - JAMSHIDI NEEDLE BIOPSY [15G X 100MM DISP, 16G X 100MM DISP, 17G X 100MM, 16G X 70MM DISP]; STERILE; 2 04/18/2018 Carefusion 2200 Inc
Z-1426-2018 - Thoracentesis/ Paracentesis Kit 10/CS; STERILE; 2 04/18/2018 Carefusion 2200 Inc
Z-1424-2018 - JAMSHIDI (TJ) NEEDLE BONE MARROW [a.) 13G x 3.5, b.) 8G x 4, c.) 11G x 4, d.) 8G x 6, e.) 11G x 6]; STERILE; 2 04/18/2018 Carefusion 2200 Inc
Z-1425-2018 - JAMSHIDI (TJ) NEEDLE BM ASP MAC [a.) 13G x 3.5, b.) 8G x 4, c.) 11G x 3.5, d.) 8G x 6, e.) 11G x 6]; STERILE; 2 04/18/2018 Carefusion 2200 Inc
Z-1423-2018 - ILLINOIS (TJ) NEEDLE ASPIRATION [15GA, 18GA]; STERILE; 2 04/18/2018 Carefusion 2200 Inc