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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Z-1439-2018 - ACS-NT, Model 78108 Product Usage: Indicated for use as a diagnostic device. It can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in any orientation of the internal structure... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1435-2018 - Achieva 1.5T: 1) Nova (Dual), Model 781173, 2) Achieva 1.5T Initial Systems Model 781178, 3) Achieva 1.5T Nova Model 781196, 4) Achieva 1.5T Conversion Model 781283, 5) Achieva 1.5T Model 781296, 6) A... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1436-2018 - Conversion SmarthPath to dStream for 1.5T, Model 781260 Product Usage: Indicated for use as a diagnostic device. It can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in any o... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1437-2018 - Ingenia 1.5T CX, Models 781261 & 781262 Product Usage: Indicated for use as a diagnostic device. It can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in any orientation of th... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1431-2018 - Intera 0.5T Standard, Model 781101 Product Usage: Indicated for use as a diagnostic device. It can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in any orientation of the int... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1432-2018 - Intera 1.0T; 1) Stellar Model 781102, 2) Pular Model 781103 Product Usage: Indicated for use as a diagnostic device. It can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in ... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1433-2018 - Intera 1.5T; 1) Intera 1.5T Omni/Stellar Model 781104, 2) Intera 1.5T Power/Pulsar Model 781105, 3) Intera 1.5T Master/Nova Model 781106, 4) Intera 1.5T Master CV Model 781107, 5) Intera 1.5T Explor... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1430-2018 - Multiva systems, 1) Multiva 1.5T 8 R5 Model 781072, 2) Multiva 1.5T 16 R5 Model 781073, 3) Multiva 1.5T 8ch R5 based Model 781074, 4) Multiva 1.5T Model 781076, & 5) Multiva 1.5T 16ch R5 based Model 7... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1441-2018 - Multiva systems; 1) Magnets Multiva 16 Model 781487, 2) Magnets 8 Model 781488, 3) Magnet Achieva 1.5T, Model 781492, 4) Magnet HFO, Model 781495, 5) Magnet Multiva 16, Model 781496, 6) Magnet Multiva... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Z-1434-2018 - Panorama 1.0T, Model 781250 Product Usage: Indicated for use as a diagnostic device. It can produce cross-sectional images, spectroscopic images and/or spectra in any orientation of the internal s... 2 04/18/2018 Philips Electronics North America Corporation