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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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11 to 20 of 128 Results
Product Code: eoq
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Video Naso pharyngo Laryngoscopes 2 06/09/2017 Pentax of America Inc
Video Cytoscopes 2 06/09/2017 Pentax of America Inc
Bronchovideoscope BF-160 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovideoscope BF-1T40 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovideoscope BF-1T180 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovidescope BF-1T240 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovideoscope BF-1T60 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovideoscope F-1TQ180 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovideoscope BF-240 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas
Bronchovideoscope BF-3C160 2 09/29/2018 Olympus Corporation of the Americas