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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Nephros SafeSpout Manufacturer: Nephros Inc. 41 Grand Avenue, River Edge, NJ 07661 Assembled at : ... 1 12/17/2013 Nephros Inc
1) Nephros SafeShower FH - 15 filters per box; item no. 70-0236 2) Nephros SafeShower HH -6 filter... 1 12/17/2013 Nephros Inc
MEDLINE medical convenience kits labeled as: 1) ACETABULAR PACK-LF, REF DYNJ0572894I; 2) LOCAL ... 2 12/05/2024 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, LP - Northfield
Offset Cup Impactor - 3/8-16 interface. Reusable surgical instrument used to position and place acet... 2 11/25/2024 INCIPIO DEVICES
NovoHip Biolox Ball Head 32mmL Ref: 1345-2803 NovoHip Total Hip System - NovoHip Total Hip Syste... 2 11/18/2024 Novosource, LLC
Biolox Option Taper Sleeve, Type 1 Taper, Standard Neck - Indicated for use in total hip replacement... 2 09/12/2024 Zimmer GmbH
Biolox Option Taper Sleeve, Type 1 Taper, -6mm Neck - Indicated for use in total hip replacement wit... 2 09/12/2024 Zimmer GmbH
Medline Convenience kits labeled as: 1) STEREOTACTIC BREAST BIOPSY TRA, Pack Number BT1095 ; 2)... 2 09/06/2024 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, LP - Northfield
Medline Convenience kits labeled as: 1) CHEST TUBE INSERTION TRAY, Pack Number DYNDA2063; 2) PU... 2 09/06/2024 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, LP - Northfield
Medline Convenience kits labeled as: 1) 6" FEMORAL ARTERIAL LINE KIT- ICU, Pack Number ART245C; ... 2 09/06/2024 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES, LP - Northfield

*   The maximium 500 devices meeting your search criteria returned. Please narrow your search.