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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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EXACTAMED Oral Dispensers, 5mL, AMBER: PHARMACY PACK, REF H9388505, x500 PHARMACY PACK, REF H9388... 3 08/29/2019 Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Neodent® GM Mini Conical Abutment - Product Usage: Mini Conical Abutments are intermediary prostheti... 2 11/14/2018 Straumann Manufacturing, Inc.
EXACTAMIX Empty EVA Bags - 500 mL - Product Usage: A plastic container used to hold large-volume ste... 2 11/02/2018 Baxter Healthcare Corporation
EXACTAMIX Empty EVA Bags - 3000 mL Product Usage: A plastic container used to hold large-volume ster... 2 11/02/2018 Baxter Healthcare Corporation
EXACTAMIX Empty EVA Bags - 2000 mL Product Usage: A plastic container used to hold large-volume ster... 2 11/02/2018 Baxter Healthcare Corporation
EXACTAMIX Empty EVA Bags - 250 mL Product Usage: A plastic container used to hold large-volume steri... 2 11/02/2018 Baxter Healthcare Corporation
EXACTAMIX Empty EVA Bags - 1000 mL Product Usage: A plastic container used to hold large-volume ster... 2 11/02/2018 Baxter Healthcare Corporation
bioMerieux VITEK 2 Gram Positive Cefoxitin Screen, VITEK 2 Gram Positive AST for Oxacillin, VITEK SY... 1 08/30/2018 bioMerieux, Inc.
LigaSure" Exact Dissector Nano Coated 20.6mm-21cm Product Usage: A bipolar electrosurgical instr... 2 07/12/2018 Covidien LLC
remel SUPERPACK CS/ 500 SEG/FLASK, REF R01626, Qty:50, plate label: REMEL MH W/OXACILLIN Product ... 2 06/08/2018 Thermo Fisher