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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Medical Device Recalls

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Z-1477-2016 - Catalog Number: 900547 BASIC SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1478-2016 - Catalog Number: 900548A PERY-GYN SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1479-2016 - Catalog Number: 900576A LAP-CHOLECYSTECTOMY SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds,... 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1480-2016 - Catalog Number: 900582 UTILITY DRAPE WITH TAPE, SMS Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1481-2016 - Catalog Number: 900618A LAPAROSCOPY-GYN SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc.... 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1482-2016 - Catalog Number: 900629 STERILE OR CLOTH TOWEL BLUE Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1483-2016 - Catalog Number: 900633 FAN FOLD SHEET 44 X 58 Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1484-2016 - Catalog Number: 900740A ARTHROSCOPY SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1485-2016 - Catalog Number: 900741A ORTHO-IMPLANT SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, etc. 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc
Z-1486-2016 - Catalog Number: 900742A CARPAL TUNEL LARGE SURGICAL PACK Used by medical staff to perform surgical procedures and patient care procedures such as wound healing, suture removals, irrigate wounds, e... 2 04/14/2016 Customed, Inc