Standards Organization: Standards development organization (SDO) which published the standard, e.g., AAMI, CLSI, ISO. |
Standard Designation Number: The unique identifier of the published document, limited to a search of the designation number field, without the SDO abbreviation, e.g., 14971, 60601-1, D3577. |
Recognition Number: Unique ID of the recognized standard, grouped by STG, of the format XX-YYY, e.g., 3-123. |
Keywords: Word or phrase to be searched for, found anywhere on the Supplementary Information Sheet (SIS) of the recognized standard. |
Included in ASCA? Check box for list of standards included in the Accreditation Scheme for Conformity Assessment. |
Specialty Task Group Area: The number assigned to each Specialty Task Group (STG) forms the first part of the recognition number, e.g., 3 for Cardiology STG in the recognition # 3-123. |
Product Code: The SIS for most vertical standards, e.g., product-specific standards, includes a list of relevant product codes for which the standard may be applicable. The Product Code assigned to a device is based upon the medical device product classification designated under 21 CFR Parts 862-892. For more information on FDA Product Codes, please visit Product Classification Database | FDA. |
Regulation Number: Part and Section of the Title 21 regulation to be searched for, in the format Part.Section (e.g., 888.1111). |
Date of Entry: Date of initial SIS entry into the database. Use the date picker or enter dates using format mm/dd/yyyy. |
Sort: The default sort order of the Results is from newest to oldest Date of Entry. Other options are listed in the drop-down. |