Part B: Supplementary Information Sheet (SIS) |
FR Recognition List Number
Date of Entry 08/20/2012
FR Recognition Number
Standard | |
CLSI M15-A (Replaces M15-T) Laboratory Diagnosis of Blood-borne Parasitic Diseases; Approved Guideline |
Scope/AbstractThis document contains guidelines for specimen collection, blood film preparation, and staining procedures. Recommendations for optimum timing of specimen collection to assist laboratories in detecting, identifying and reporting certain parasites are also included. |
Extent of Recognition
Relevant FDA Guidance and/or Supportive Publications*
Appropriate Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards in Premarket Submissions for Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff, issued September 2018. |
FDA Technical Contact
Standards Development Organization
FDA Specialty Task Group (STG)
*These are provided as examples and others may be applicable. |