Part B: Supplementary Information Sheet (SIS) |
FR Recognition List Number
Date of Entry 08/20/2012
FR Recognition Number
Standard | (Included in ASCA) |
IEC 60601-2-23 Edition 3.0 2011-02 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment |
Scope/AbstractIEC 60601-2-23:2011 applies to the basic safety and essential performance of transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment. It applies to transcutaneous monitors used with adults, children and neonates, and it includes the use of these devices in foetal monitoring during birth. IEC 60601-2-23:2011 does not apply to haemoglobin saturation oximeters or to devices applied to surfaces of the body other than the skin (for example conjunctiva, mucosa). This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1999 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition of IEC 60601-2-23 was revised to align structurally with the 2005 edition of IEC 60601-1. |
Extent of Recognition
Rationale for Recognition
This standard is relevant to medical devices and is recognized on its scientific and technical merit and/or because it supports existing regulatory policies. |
Public Law, CFR Citation(s) and Procode(s)*
Regulation Number |
Device Name |
Device Class |
Product Code |
§868.2480 |
Monitor, Carbon-Dioxide, Cutaneous
Class 2
§868.2500 |
Monitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Infant Not Under Gas Anesthesia
Class 2
§868.2500 |
Monitor, Oxygen, Cutaneous, For Uses Other Than For Infant Not Under Gas Anesthesia
Class 2
Relevant FDA Guidance and/or Supportive Publications*
1. AAMI CR500:2019 Basic Introduction to the IEC 60601 Series.
2. Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Cutaneous Carbon Dioxide (PcCO2) and Oxygen (PcO2) Monitors; Guidance for Industry and FDA, Issued December 2002.
Appropriate Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards in Premarket Submissions for Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff, issued September 2018. |
FDA Technical Contact
Standards Development Organization
FDA Specialty Task Group (STG)
*These are provided as examples and others may be applicable. |