Part B: Supplementary Information Sheet (SIS) |
FR Recognition List Number
Date of Entry 06/07/2018
FR Recognition Number
Standard | |
ASTM F3206-17 Standard Guide for Assessing Medical Device Cytocompatibility with Delivered Cellular Therapies |
Scope/Abstract1.1 This guide outlines the parameters to consider when designing in vitro tests to assess the potential impact of a delivery device on a cellular product being dispensed. This guide does not provide specific protocols, but rather suggests what should be considered the minimum characterization necessary to assess device cytocompatibility. Topics discussed include selecting an appropriate cell line(s), cell physiology parameters to measure, and relevant test procedure variables. Only cells suspended in liquid and infused through a device are considered. Cell therapies paired with scaffolds, suspended in hydrogels, or administered via other methods (e.g., tissue grafting) are not included in the scope of this document. This document does not address physical characterization of delivery devices, such as mechanics, composition, or degradation. |
Extent of Recognition
Rationale for Recognition
Standard is recognized on a scientific basis: Material characterization. |
Relevant FDA Guidance and/or Supportive Publications*
Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff: Use of International Standard ISO 10993-1, "Biological evaluation of medical devices--Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process", Issued June 2016.
Appropriate Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards in Premarket Submissions for Medical Devices - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff, issued September 2018. |
FDA Technical Contact
Standards Development Organization
FDA Specialty Task Group (STG)
*These are provided as examples and others may be applicable. |