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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

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§ 522.23 - Acepromazine.

§ 522.52 - Alfaxalone.

§ 522.56 - Amikacin.

§ 522.62 - Aminopentamide.

§ 522.82 - Aminopropazine.

§ 522.88 - Amoxicillin.

§ 522.90 - Ampicillin injectable dosage forms.

§ 522.90a - Ampicillin trihydrate suspension.

§ 522.90b - Ampicillin trihydrate powder for injection.

§ 522.90c - Ampicillin sodium.

§ 522.144 - Arsenamide.

§ 522.147 - Atipamezole.

§ 522.150 - Azaperone.

§ 522.158 - Bedinvetmab.

§ 522.161 - Betamethasone.

§ 522.163 - Betamethasone dipropionate and betamethasone sodium phosphate aqueous suspension.

§ 522.167 - Betamethasone sodium phosphate and betamethasone acetate.

§ 522.204 - Boldenone.

§ 522.224 - Bupivacaine.

§ 522.230 - Buprenorphine.

§ 522.234 - Butamisole.

§ 522.246 - Butorphanol.

§ 522.275 - N-Butylscopolammonium.

§ 522.304 - Carprofen.

§ 522.311 - Cefovecin.

§ 522.313 - Ceftiofur injectable dosage forms.

§ 522.313a - Ceftiofur crystalline free acid.

§ 522.313b - Ceftiofur hydrochloride.

§ 522.313c - Ceftiofur sodium.

§ 522.380 - Chloral hydrate, pentobarbital, and magnesium sulfate.

§ 522.390 - Chloramphenicol.

§ 522.454 - Clodronate.

§ 522.460 - Cloprostenol.

§ 522.468 - Colistimethate sodium powder for injection.

§ 522.480 - Corticotropin.

§ 522.522 - Danofloxacin.

§ 522.533 - Deslorelin.

§ 522.535 - Desoxycorticosterone.

§ 522.536 - Detomidine.

§ 522.540 - Dexamethasone solution.

§ 522.558 - Dexmedetomidine.

§ 522.563 - Diatrizoate.

§ 522.650 - Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate injection.

§ 522.690 - Dinoprost.

§ 522.723 - Diprenorphine.

§ 522.728 - Dipyrone.

§ 522.770 - Doramectin.

§ 522.772 - Doramectin and levamisole.

§ 522.784 - Doxylamine.

§ 522.800 - Droperidol and fentanyl.

§ 522.810 - Embutramide, chloroquine, and lidocaine solution.

§ 522.812 - Enrofloxacin.

§ 522.814 - Eprinomectin.

§ 522.820 - Erythromycin.

§ 522.840 - Estradiol.

§ 522.850 - Estradiol valerate and norgestomet in combination.

§ 522.863 - Ethylisobutrazine.

§ 522.870 - Etodolac.

§ 522.883 - Etorphine.

§ 522.914 - Fenprostalene.

§ 522.930 - Firocoxib.

§ 522.955 - Florfenicol.

§ 522.956 - Florfenicol and flunixin.

§ 522.960 - Flumethasone injectable dosage forms.

§ 522.960a - Flumethasone suspension.

§ 522.960b - Flumethasone acetate solution.

§ 522.960c - Flumethasone solution.

§ 522.970 - Flunixin.

§ 522.995 - Fluprostenol.

§ 522.1002 - Follicle stimulating hormone.

§ 522.1008 - Frunevetmab.

§ 522.1010 - Furosemide.

§ 522.1014 - Gamithromycin.

§ 522.1020 - Gelatin.

§ 522.1044 - Gentamicin.

§ 522.1055 - Gleptoferron.

§ 522.1066 - Glycopyrrolate.

§ 522.1077 - Gonadorelin.

§ 522.1079 - Serum gonadotropin and chorionic gonadotropin.

§ 522.1081 - Chorionic gonadotropin.

§ 522.1083 - Gonadotropin releasing factor analog-diphtheria toxoid conjugate.

§ 522.1085 - Guaifenesin powder for injection.

§ 522.1086 - Guaifenesin solution.

§ 522.1125 - Hemoglobin glutamer-200 (bovine).

§ 522.1145 - Hyaluronate.

§ 522.1155 - Imidocarb powder for injection.

§ 522.1156 - Imidocarb solution.

§ 522.1160 - Insulin.

§ 522.1182 - Iron injection.

§ 522.1185 - Isoflupredone.

§ 522.1192 - Ivermectin.

§ 522.1193 - Ivermectin and clorsulon.

§ 522.1204 - Kanamycin.

§ 522.1222 - Ketamine.

§ 522.1223 - Ketamine, promazine, and aminopentamide.

§ 522.1225 - Ketoprofen.

§ 522.1242 - Levamisole.

§ 522.1260 - Lincomycin.

§ 522.1289 - Lufenuron.

§ 522.1290 - Luprostiol.

§ 522.1315 - Maropitant.

§ 522.1335 - Medetomidine.

§ 522.1338 - Medetomidine and vatinoxan.

§ 522.1350 - Melatonin implant.

§ 522.1362 - Melarsomine powder for injection.

§ 522.1367 - Meloxicam.

§ 522.1372 - Mepivacaine.

§ 522.1380 - Methocarbamol.

§ 522.1410 - Methylprednisolone.

§ 522.1450 - Moxidectin solution.

§ 522.1451 - Moxidectin microspheres for injection.

§ 522.1452 - Nalorphine.

§ 522.1465 - Naltrexone.

§ 522.1468 - Naproxen for injection.

§ 522.1484 - Neomycin.

§ 522.1503 - Neostigmine.

§ 522.1610 - Oleate sodium.

§ 522.1660 - Oxytetracycline injectable dosage forms.

§ 522.1660a - Oxytetracycline solution, 200 milligrams/milliliter.

§ 522.1660b - Oxytetracycline solution, 300 milligrams/milliliter.

§ 522.1662 - Oxytetracycline.

§ 522.1663 - Oxytetracycline hydrochloride with lidocaine injection.

§ 522.1664 - Oxytetracycline and flunixin.

§ 522.1680 - Oxytocin.

§ 522.1684 - Pegbovigrastim.

§ 522.1696 - Penicillin G procaine injectable dosage forms.

§ 522.1696a - Penicillin G benzathine and penicillin G procaine suspension.

§ 522.1696b - Penicillin G procaine aqueous suspension.

§ 522.1696c - Penicillin G procaine in oil.

§ 522.1698 - Pentazocine.

§ 522.1700 - Pentobarbital and phenytoin.

§ 522.1703 - Pentobarbital.

§ 522.1704 - Pentosan polysulfate sodium.

§ 522.1720 - Phenylbutazone.

§ 522.1820 - Pituitary luteinizing hormone powder for injection.

§ 522.1850 - Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan.

§ 522.1862 - Pralidoxime powder for injection.

§ 522.1870 - Praziquantel.

§ 522.1881 - Prednisolone acetate.

§ 522.1883 - Prednisolone sodium phosphate.

§ 522.1884 - Prednisolone sodium succinate.

§ 522.1890 - Prednisone suspension.

§ 522.1920 - Prochlorperazine and isopropamide.

§ 522.1940 - Progesterone and estradiol benzoate.

§ 522.1962 - Promazine.

§ 522.2002 - Propiopromazine.

§ 522.2005 - Propofol.

§ 522.2012 - Prostalene.

§ 522.2063 - Pyrilamine.

§ 522.2065 - Rabacfosadine.

§ 522.2075 - Robenacoxib.

§ 522.2076 - Romifidine.

§ 522.2092 - Secobarbital and dibucaine.

§ 522.2100 - Selenium and vitamin E.

§ 522.2112 - Sometribove zinc suspension.

§ 522.2120 - Spectinomycin hydrochloride.

§ 522.2121 - Spectinomycin sulfate.

§ 522.2150 - Stanozolol.

§ 522.2220 - Sulfadimethoxine.

§ 522.2240 - Sulfaethoxypyridazine.

§ 522.2260 - Sulfamethazine.

§ 522.2340 - Sulfomyxin.

§ 522.2343 - Testosterone propionate and estradiol benzoate.

§ 522.2404 - Thialbarbitone sodium for injection.

§ 522.2424 - Thiamylal.

§ 522.2444 - Thiopental injectable dosage forms.

§ 522.2444a - Thiopental powder for injection.

§ 522.2444b - Thiopental and pentobarbital powder for injection.

§ 522.2450 - Tigilanol.

§ 522.2460 - Tildipirosin.

§ 522.2470 - Tiletamine and zolazepam for injection.

§ 522.2471 - Tilmicosin.

§ 522.2473 - Tiludronate.

§ 522.2474 - Tolazoline.

§ 522.2476 - Trenbolone acetate.

§ 522.2477 - Trenbolone acetate and estradiol.

§ 522.2478 - Trenbolone acetate and estradiol benzoate.

§ 522.2483 - Triamcinolone.

§ 522.2582 - Triflupromazine.

§ 522.2610 - Trimethoprim and sulfadiazine.

§ 522.2615 - Tripelennamine.

§ 522.2630 - Tulathromycin.

§ 522.2632 - Tulathromycin and ketoprofen.

§ 522.2640 - Tylosin.

§ 522.2662 - Xylazine.

§ 522.2670 - Yohimbine.

§ 522.2680 - Zeranol.

§ 522.2690 - Zinc gluconate.

Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.
Source: 40 FR 13858, Mar. 27, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
