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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

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[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 6]
[CITE: 21CFR571]


Subpart B - Administrative Actions on Applications

Sec. 571.100 Regulation based on petition.

(a) The Commissioner will forward for publication in the Federal Register, within 90 days after filing of the petition (or within 180 days if the time is extended as provided for in section 409(c)(2) of the act), a regulation prescribing the conditions under which the food additive may be safely used (including, but not limited to, specifications as to the particular food or classes of food in or on which such additive may be used, the maximum quantity that may be used or permitted to remain in or on such food, the manner in which such additive may be added to or used in or on such food, and any directions or other labeling or packaging requirements for such additive deemed necessary by him to assure the safety of such use), and prior to the forwarding of the order to the Federal Register for publication shall notify the petitioner of such order and the reasons for such action; or by order deny the petition, and shall notify the petitioner of such order and of the reasons for such action.

(b) If the Commissioner determines that additional time is needed to study and investigate the petition, he shall by written notice to the petitioner extend the 90-day period for not more than 180 days after the filing of the petition.

Sec. 571.102 Effective date of regulation.

A regulation published in accordance with § 571.100(a) shall become effective upon publication in the Federal Register.

Sec. 571.110 Procedure for objections and hearings.

Objections and hearings relating to food additive regulations under section 409(c), (d), or (h) of the act shall be governed by part 12 of this chapter.

[42 FR 4717, Jan. 25, 1977, as amended at 42 FR 15676, Mar. 22, 1977]

Sec. 571.115 Application of the cancer clause of section 409 of the act.

Food additives intended for use as an ingredient in food for animals that are raised for food production and that have the potential to contaminate human food with residues whose consumption could present a risk of cancer to people must satisfy the requirements of subpart E of part 500 of this chapter.

[52 FR 49588, Dec. 31, 1987]

Sec. 571.130 Procedure for amending and repealing tolerances or exemptions from tolerances.

(a) The Commissioner, on his own initiative or on the petition of any interested person, pursuant to part 10 of this chapter, may propose the issuance of a regulation amending or repealing a regulation pertaining to a food additive or granting or repealing an exception for such additive.

(b) Any such petition shall include an assertion of facts, supported by data, showing that new information exists with respect to the food additive or that new uses have been developed or old uses abandoned, that new data are available as to toxicity of the chemical, or that experience with the existing regulation or exemption may justify its amendment or repeal. New data shall be furnished in the form specified in § 571.1 for submitting petitions.

[42 FR 4717, Jan. 25, 1977; 42 FR 15676, Mar. 22, 1977]

Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 342, 348, 371; 42 U.S.C. 241.
Source: 41 FR 38647, Sept. 10, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
