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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

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Subpart A - General Provisions
   § 101.1 - Principal display panel of package form food.
   § 101.2 - Information panel of package form food.
   § 101.3 - Identity labeling of food in packaged form.
   § 101.4 - Food; designation of ingredients.
   § 101.5 - Food; name and place of business of manufacturer, packer, or distributor.
   § 101.7 - Declaration of net quantity of contents.
   § 101.8 - Vending machines.
   § 101.9 - Nutrition labeling of food.
   § 101.10 - Nutrition labeling of restaurant foods whose labels or labeling bear nutrient content claims or health claims.
   § 101.11 - Nutrition labeling of standard menu items in covered establishments.
   § 101.12 - Reference amounts customarily consumed per eating occasion.
   § 101.13 - Nutrient content claims - general principles.
   § 101.14 - Health claims: general requirements.
   § 101.15 - Food; prominence of required statements.
   § 101.17 - Food labeling warning, notice, and safe handling statements.
   § 101.18 - Misbranding of food.

Subpart B - Specific Food Labeling Requirements
   § 101.22 - Foods; labeling of spices, flavorings, colorings and chemical preservatives.
   § 101.30 - Percentage juice declaration for foods purporting to be beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice.

Subpart C - Specific Nutrition Labeling Requirements and Guidelines
   § 101.36 - Nutrition labeling of dietary supplements.
   § 101.42 - Nutrition labeling of raw fruit, vegetables, and fish.
   § 101.43 - Substantial compliance of food retailers with the guidelines for the voluntary nutrition labeling of raw fruit, vegetables, and fish.
   § 101.44 - What are the 20 most frequently consumed raw fruits, vegetables, and fish in the United States?
   § 101.45 - Guidelines for the voluntary nutrition labeling of raw fruits, vegetables, and fish.

Subpart D - Specific Requirements for Nutrient Content Claims
   § 101.54 - Nutrient content claims for "good source," "high," "more," and "high potency."
   § 101.56 - Nutrient content claims for "light" or "lite."
   § 101.60 - Nutrient content claims for the calorie content of foods.
   § 101.61 - Nutrient content claims for the sodium content of foods.
   § 101.62 - Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods.
   § 101.65 - Implied nutrient content claims and related label statements.
   § 101.67 - Use of nutrient content claims for butter.
   § 101.69 - Petitions for nutrient content claims.

Subpart E - Specific Requirements for Health Claims
   § 101.70 - Petitions for health claims.
   § 101.71 - Health claims: claims not authorized.
   § 101.72 - Health claims: calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis.
   § 101.73 - Health claims: dietary lipids and cancer.
   § 101.74 - Health claims: sodium and hypertension.
   § 101.75 - Health claims: dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and risk of coronary heart disease.
   § 101.76 - Health claims: fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables and cancer.
   § 101.77 - Health claims: fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and risk of coronary heart disease.
   § 101.78 - Health claims: fruits and vegetables and cancer.
   § 101.79 - Health claims: Folate and neural tube defects.
   § 101.80 - Health claims: dietary noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries.
   § 101.81 - Health claims: Soluble fiber from certain foods and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
   § 101.82 - Health claims: Soy protein and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
   § 101.83 - Health claims: plant sterol/stanol esters and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Subpart F - Specific Requirements for Descriptive Claims That Are Neither Nutrient Content Claims nor Health Claims
   § 101.91 - Gluten-free labeling of food.
   § 101.93 - Certain types of statements for dietary supplements.
   § 101.95 - "Fresh," "freshly frozen," "fresh frozen," "frozen fresh."

Subpart G - Exemptions From Food Labeling Requirements
   § 101.100 - Food; exemptions from labeling.
   § 101.108 - Temporary exemptions for purposes of conducting authorized food labeling experiments.

   Appendix A to Part 101 [Reserved]
   Appendix B to Part 101 - Graphic Enhancements Used by the FDA
   Appendix C to Part 101 - Nutrition Facts for Raw Fruits and Vegetables
   Appendix D to Part 101 - Nutrition Facts for Cooked Fish

Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455; 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 371; 42 U.S.C. 243, 264, 271.
Source: 42 FR 14308, Mar. 15, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
