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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

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[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 21, Volume 4]
[CITE: 21CFR203.39]



Subpart D - Samples

Sec. 203.39 Donation of drug samples to charitable institutions.

A charitable institution may receive a drug sample donated by a licensed practitioner or another charitable institution for dispensing to a patient of the charitable institution, or donate a drug sample to another charitable institution for dispensing to its patients, provided that the following requirements are met:

(a) A drug sample donated by a licensed practitioner or donating charitable institution shall be received by a charitable institution in its original, unopened packaging with its labeling intact.

(b) Delivery of a donated drug sample to a recipient charitable institution shall be completed by mail or common carrier, collection by an authorized agent or employee of the recipient charitable institution, or personal delivery by a licensed practitioner or an agent or employee of the donating charitable institution. Donated drug samples shall be placed by the donor in a sealed carton for delivery to or collection by the recipient charitable institution.

(c) A donated drug sample shall not be dispensed to a patient or be distributed to another charitable institution until it has been examined by a licensed practitioner or registered pharmacist at the recipient charitable institution to confirm that the donation record accurately describes the drug sample delivered and that no drug sample is adulterated or misbranded for any reason, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) The drug sample is out of date;

(2) The labeling has become mutilated, obscured, or detached from the drug sample packaging;

(3) The drug sample shows evidence of having been stored or shipped under conditions that might adversely affect its stability, integrity, or effectiveness;

(4) The drug sample is for a prescription drug product that has been recalled or is no longer marketed; or

(5) The drug sample is otherwise possibly contaminated, deteriorated, or adulterated.

(d) The recipient charitable institution shall dispose of any drug sample found to be unsuitable by destroying it or by returning it to the manufacturer. The charitable institution shall maintain complete records of the disposition of all destroyed or returned drug samples.

(e) The recipient charitable institution shall prepare at the time of collection or delivery of a drug sample a complete and accurate donation record, a copy of which shall be retained by the recipient charitable institution for at least 3 years, containing the following information:

(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the licensed practitioner (or donating charitable institution);

(2) The manufacturer, brand name, quantity, and lot or control number of the drug sample donated; and

(3) The date of the donation.

(f) Each recipient charitable institution shall maintain complete and accurate records of donation, receipt, inspection, inventory, dispensing, redistribution, destruction, and returns sufficient for complete accountability and auditing of drug sample stocks.

(g) Each recipient charitable institution shall conduct, at least annually, an inventory of prescription drug sample stocks and shall prepare a report reconciling the results of each inventory with the most recent prior inventory. Drug sample inventory discrepancies and reconciliation problems shall be investigated by the charitable institution and reported to FDA.

(h) A recipient charitable institution shall store drug samples under conditions that will maintain the sample's stability, integrity, and effectiveness, and will ensure that the drug samples will be free of contamination, deterioration, and adulteration.

(i) A charitable institution shall notify FDA within 5 working days of becoming aware of a significant loss or known theft of prescription drug samples.
