For the last 5 years, i've had tested (b)(6) for (b)(6) and have suffered through painful procedures, biopsies, and fears of cervical cancer.Although (b)(6) is listed as an std, i believe that there are more contributing factors to the rise of cervical/ ovarian/ breast cancers.I have chosen to eat organic only foods, knowing monsanto's round-up is sprayed on our crops from men wearing hazmat suits.After my most recent, painful biopsy of my cervix, i started to research other culprits.I've found that my feminine hygiene products are also sprayed with monsanto's round-up for the cotton that is used in tampons and pads.Eighty-five percent of tampons contain the cancer causing glyphosate and ampa.Monsanto has lost several lawsuits pertaining to people with non-hodgkin's lymphoma from round-up.How much more toxic is it when inserted into our bodies with direct contact to vulnerable areas.Those product manufacturer's have failed to warn the women of the possible toxins.Prop.65 issues the warning of everything in ca "may cause cancer", why aren¿t our hygiene products labeled? why is there no warning about them containing bpa's.They are labeled on cans and bottles if they don't contain it.Had i known this, i would have never used these products nor allowed my loved ones to use them.Now, i'm faced with this fear every 6 months or until the risk is gone.I'm outraged that not only monsanto allowed to taint our cotton but, that there were no warning/labels or possible side effects.Cancer, for using the product.I believe my health issue is directly related to the round-up ready cotton and i have the right to know that before using a product.The feminine hygiene product manufactures and the fda has failed all of us women and we are dying over it.Several cervical biopsies.