I had smooth mentor memorygel breast implants placed under the muscle 2.5 years ago.Shortly after, i began to experience a myriad of unexplained symptoms including anxiety, thyroid levels off, debilitating fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, brain fog, dizziness, etc.This began to get out of hand this (b)(6) and i began to research to figure out what was going on.After (b)(6) of lab work, my dad mentioned seeing a news broadcast about toxic breast implants.My last hope was to check these out via breast mri.There i saw my right implant was completely ruptured.I have had no trauma or anything to cause such a rupture, especially after having the implants for such a short period of time.They are supposed to last 10 years.I fortunately found a (b)(6) support group for women with breast implant illness, what i believed to have.There are 20,000 of us there with the same stories.I explanted the implants on (b)(6) 2017 and shortly after, developed a hematoma (in the area the silicone had to be scraped away from around my collar bone) which burst, leading to a second surgery.After that, i developed pneumonia.This has been a terrible month and year for me.My medical bills from this are near (b)(6) and it's just not right.These devices are not safe.