Dry eyes (difficulty crying) dry mouth (always thirsty) dry throat (difficulty swallowing pills, food gets stuck) gel hoarse, especially in evenings.Painful joints (most hands, knees, hips, shoulders) bone pain swelling of hands, tight skin.Difficulty sleeping, difficulty recalling words (mixing up words), short term memory issues.Fatigue pressure on face (under eyes, around nose) constant headaches, tingling in hands and feet (fall asleep, drop things, difficulty opening things, typing etc).Stomach issues: burning in lower abdomen, reflux heart races, chest pains, (stabbing pain , both sides).Shortness of breath (feel like i can't catch my breath).Constant lower back pain (and right hip).Extreme smell sensitivity and intolerance of foods i used to eat.Difficulty healing (wound etc.) dizziness (light headedness).