Device Problem
Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem (2993)
Patient Problems
Neurological Deficit/Dysfunction (1982); No Code Available (3191)
Event Date 10/15/2003 |
Event Type
Manufacturer Narrative
Since the device has not been returned for analysis, no product failure analysis can be conducted, and no determination of possible contributing factors can be made.As such, the investigation will be closed.If the complaint device is received in the future, the investigation will be reopened and conducted as appropriate.Since no lot number was provided, no device history record (dhr) review could be performed.Concomitant medical products: saline mentor breast implant of unknown type.Note: the affected devices were mentor saline smooth round, catalog number and lot number are unknown.The event was reported previously to fda by the patient.(b)(4).
Event Description
It was reported that a female patient underwent a breast augmentation with saline mentor breast implants of unknown type and experienced digestive issues, joint problems, lowered immune system, food sensitivities.As a result, the patient had undergone explantation on (b)(6) 2018.This medwatch report is for the right breast implant.
Manufacturer Narrative
On 11/9/18, it was reported to mentor that the that a patient reported unexplained systemic symptoms, which included but not limited to fatigue, anxiety depression, stress, muscular and joint pain, , neurasthenia, paresthesia, hair loss, memory loss, fever, sweating, sleeping disorder, mental concentration impaired cognitive and dermatological symptoms.Medical device removal was required.No further information is available at this time.Manufacturer¿s reference number: (b)(4).
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