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Model Number 42866 |
Device Problems
Mechanical Jam (2983); Appropriate Term/Code Not Available (3191)
Patient Problem
Therapeutic Effects, Unexpected (2099)
Event Date 11/21/2018 |
Event Type
Manufacturer Narrative
If information is provided in the future, a supplemental report will be issued.
Event Description
It was reported the patient was implanted in (b)(6) 2018.The patient had enlarged ventricles and the valve setting was set to 0.5.Two days after implant, the patient was scanned and it was noticed that overdrainage occurred and the ventricles were constricted.The valve setting was adjusted to 1.5, however the ventricles enlarged once more after the patient was scanned two days later.The valve was adjusted to 1.0 and ventricles constricted again.A second doctor was called in to identify the cause of the underdrainage and overdrainage.The doctor noted that upon adjustment, the new adjusted pressure setting did not reflect the change, rather it still displayed the older setting.As the patient¿s condition was deteriorating, the doctor replaced the valve in (b)(6).The patient was doing well with the new valve.Following the explant, the old valve did not seem able to change settings when using both the handtools and stratavarius.
Manufacturer Narrative
The returned valve was patent.It met the requirements for valve flux, siphon, reflux, pressure-flow, and pre-implantation testing.The performance level setting was adjustable with both the handtools and the stratavarius.Therefore, the nature of the complaint could not be replicated by laboratory personnel.The valve did not pass leak testing due to a tear in the dome.It is unknown how or when the damage to the casing occurred.The ifu cautions, ¿improper use of instruments in the handling or implantation of shunt products may result in the cutting, slitting or crushing of component.Such damage may lead to loss of shunt integrity.¿ there was debris on the interior of the valve.The ifu cautions that, ¿care must be taken to ensure that particulate contaminants are not introduced into shunt components during preimplantation testing or handling.Introduction of contaminants could result in improper performance of the shunt system.Particulate matter that enters the shunt system may result in shunt occlusion or may also hold pressure/flow controlling mechanisms open, resulting in overdrainage¿.All valves are 100% tested at the time of manufacture.If information is provided in the future, a supplemental report will be issued.
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