Model Number 3CX*FX15RW30C |
Device Problem
Unable to Obtain Readings (1516)
Patient Problem
No Known Impact Or Consequence To Patient (2692)
Event Date 02/07/2020 |
Event Type
Manufacturer Narrative
Terumo has not received the device for evaluation; therefore, the investigation has yet to be completed.Terumo plans on submitting a follow-up report when the investigation is complete and when more information becomes available.(b)(4).
Event Description
The user facility reported to terumo cardiovascular that during cardiopulmonary bypass, they were unable to obtain a temperature from the arterial thermistor.As per the user facility, they continued the case and used alternate temperature from hlm and anesthetic monitor until the conclusion of the case.No known impact or consequence to patient.The product was changed out.Procedure was completed successfully.
Manufacturer Narrative
This follow-up report is submitted to fda in accord with applicable regulations.Upon further investigation of the reported event, the following information is new and/or changed: d4 (additional device information - added exp date); g4 (date received by manufacturer); g7 (indication that this is a follow-up report); h2 (follow-up due to correction and device evaluation); h3 (device evaluated by manufacturer); h4 (device manufacture date); h6 (identification of evaluation codes (10, 11, 3331, 3259, 4307).Method code #1: 10 - testing of actual/suspected device.Method code#2: 11 - testing of device from same lot/batch retained by manufacturer.Method code #3: 3331- analysis of production records.Results code: 3259 - improper physical structure.Conclusions code: 4307 - cause traced to component failure.The affected sample was inspected upon receipt and confirmed to have a non-functioning arterial thermistor.Representative retention samples from a variety of product/lot number combinations were tested and found to be functioning properly.The root cause of the issue has been determined to be a high insertion force during assembly of the thermistor into the oxygenator module coupled with exposure to extreme temperature fluctuations.All available information has been placed on file in quality management for appropriate tracking, trending, and follow-up.
Manufacturer Narrative
This follow-up report is submitted to fda in accord with applicable regulations ¿ and as indicated by terumo cardiovascular systems in the initial report submitted to the fda on march 10, 2010, upon further investigation of the reported event, the following information is new and/or changed: h3 (device evaluation anticipated by manufacturer - a second follow-up will be submitted upon completion of the investigation and/or submission of new information, thus tcvs references conclusions code 11).All available information has been placed on file in quality management for appropriate tracking, trending, and follow-up.
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